
You got mad skillz...

kardom iyi yayınlar

Sağol kankam @thesky

iyi yayınlar

Teşekkürler hocam @black54

reis kaç saattir ısınıyorsan cayır cayır yanıyorsun :D

Kardeşim kendi adamlarıma falan sıkıyom bu halde ranked giremem :D @birdelifurki

hahahaha :D :D

No bro i don't think so @ezzy but thanks :D

İyi yayınlar

Kolay gelsin .

@umutkarakus teşekkürler bro

@empati58 teşekkür ederim kankam

hey brother, what stream settings do you use

very smooth

Hi dude @n33d4sp33d which setting do you ask ?

Bitrate 1600 resolution 720

add me from discord with same nickname, i can send my settings to you brother @n33d4sp33d

thank you vader

no problem dude

Wow! It seems that DLive is really going to be a game changer for the STEEM economy. I'm not a gamer; but, clearly, DLive streaming is gaining the attention of the gaming community.

Best regards.


thanks for your precious comment :) @spiritualmatters