That's a brilliant idea @anomadsoul, to combine videos with text on your blog posts. It definitely makes for a more fun experience on your blog.
I like to speak too but I prefer writing more. I do not much like looking at people who are looking at me, and the camera makes me feel that way. That is why I rarely take selfies or any photograph for that matter. I envy you your extroverted nature.
Why are you using Dlive instead of Dtube? Would it not be difficult to go live on a hitch hike for example, especially if you are in an area with poor network connection?
My network providers will make sell myself to afford live streaming that's why I have not bothered to go near Dlive but I will try Dtube soon after I can overcome my shyness.
I wish you all the best in your adventures and I will be here living them with you through the stories you will share. Stay safe.