Hasn't changed. It's always been hard coded in to our ICO calulator. It's just done by block time.
const fundingAccount = 'robotolux'
const icoStartBlock = 26450000 + tester
const icoDailyStartBlock = 27417440 + tester
const blockPerDay = 30240
var dailyRounds = 0
const initialPool = 20000000 //tokens for auction first monst
const dailyPool = 312500 //tokens for auction per daily
const totalTokens = 60000000 //all tokens up for auction
const allTokens = 100000000 //all tokens
const totalRounds = 129 //1 +128 dailys
Some of the time error being down for several hours for HF20
Ok so there's 5 days left then like you said above?
I need to be sure in case I write a blog post.