
Comment the best caption for this meme and upvote this post.

Resteems are GREATLY APPRECIATED but not required.

Winner will be chosen in 1 Day.
This is a DAILY contest so be sure to try again tomorrow!!


doing gymnastic action with broken legs is a shit idea.
don't think i'm shitting 😂

Hi! Thanks for your support, @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;) Hope you have a great day

That long red constipated candle stick on a chart that never seems to end!

1, 2, 3 Anddddddddd pushhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Very very hard decision!


![winner is.png]

.4 SBD on the way!

Whoop whoop ! Eeeeeeee! Thanks 😁


If i say it hard enough it might just happen! i am a fish... i am a fish... i am a fish...

@digitokash just got this post resteemed to 5000 followers.

I am not a bot. Upvote this comment if you like this service

lol, thanks for participating!

Dont even ask me to do this synchronized.

When people take a picture of you and you don't expect it :)

She looks like, she wants an 8kg shit to come out ;)

How the crypto you invested in looks when it hit its peak

Me after eating taco bell

Looks like i feel watching bitcoin drop! @digitokash have great day.

I m possible! can do it!


"Up next in the 200 Meter Long Distance Poop Blast, from South Korea, Jae Ke-Yeong."

Hodling diarrhoea like a boss!

That moment when you mistakenly enter into the men's room and your crush comes in to take a leak.
And you are trying so hard not to poo because you know your poo smells so bad.😂😂😂

When you hit your pinky on edge of the table.

You guys are making this harder for me.. lol

That was the point of this challenge :)