
It can be that you love a particular culture or the people around you. or maybe the landscape. But for instance in the netherland your have many different cultures the ones in the north have a hard time (they don't understand each other at all.) understanding the ones in the south etc. (same goes for the west and the east.
The lines are drawn by a small group of people with guns that claimed large land that was already from someone. It would be the same as that I, with some friends said; we hereby declare the half of europe ours and everybody must pay us taxes and do as we say. People would declare us crazy ....but somehow they believe that myth that because some guys did exact the same thing a long time ago, that I have to obey and pay the guy's and girls that have taken the thrown now, that pretend they can make me do things or pay things. So yes cultures exist but the borders are imaginairy.
Mostly the lines between cultures are fluid and they merge.

What it's about in this is that nobody owns me and I own nobody. And me being born In between some lines does not change that.

Thanks for the reply btw