
do it now...

Yes Please!!! The deranged bot phenomenon is on so many platforms, here too! Perhaps it becomes more obvious and exposed here. I think it does. If we can solve the problem here perhaps we can quash the bots on other platforms as well. Let's get back to the human element damnit!!

Good post I'm with you to move forward.

Yes, now that I I know about all the messed up fake news bots on Facebook and twitter and see what's happening on steemit and I go...wait a's the same problem here too! Uh Oh!

Good job cry ...on

Not crying, just look at how a.i. bots are fucking up politics. The Facebook trending bots are crazy, it's all over the news. Yes we have a bad bot problem on steemit too, I don't care about trending though 'cause I wouldn't want to be any of those people

Have a nice day and Good post I'm with you to move forward

Now that I see other platforms are effected I see that this could be the perfect grounds to start dealing with this type of phenomenon

Very good a post @havok777

Great post.
I like this dmania.

very nice meme.

Nice post GK.ROBIN.gif

Goot post. @havok

posting photography you are very good friends ,, i love you every post you

what a great post dmania meme. thanks for @havok777

nice meme!