haha funny you said that. Years ago I briefly got into the whole copper penny hoarding thing. Did it for a few weeks and then realized how much space copper takes up and how much weight that is, I was like screw that. All the time sorting pre 1981 pennies from post 1981 pennies was wasted when I took them back to the bank. The bank wasn't too happy about me dumping all those pennies on them either lol
You should have paid a ticket with those. They absolutely love that.
(I remember seeing a video of an angry guy doing that LOL)
My whole family (except me and my brother), starting from my great granddad, were coin and stamp collectors, so i know a big deal about coin
and smelly old paper hoarding.
Charles @stackin I Love the People that come over and checkout my latest BLOG and don't read the entire post and Realized they left a .50 UP Vote on the table because of some simple instructions posted below The Lady of The Bunker Video @stokjockey
true - didn´t take that into account. Oh well, then mabye we should 10X our efforts to find a way fo not getting auto repsonses which - I admit - are a pain in the ass...
yes, it stressy....you write or post a great topic and give passion in your steemit artwork and than some IG stylers come like....dont wanna repeat it. thats the reason why I am here and not longer anymore on IG or FB or the others. its only blabla. not nice, not criticle, not informative...this gif shows on a funny way what goes through my mind when i read some comments ...
digital ghost hug :-P
steem on my dear
Honestly you are so correct. One i so hate is the "thanks for sharing" spammers. What are you thanking for??..when you did not even go through to know what was written.
Thanks sir you are always right your research work is too good and perfect i wish every one should know abuot spam before joinig. I suggest peoples to resteem your post to new comers thsnks again you did a good work.
do they ever ask to downvote ? maybe I can be the first lolz :p . I am pretty new to Steemit but it never came up to me to post a reply just to ask an upvote . It seems cooler to me to be complimented just because you have something to say or let someone laugh with your comment. greetings Benji
How much nice is nice in the " Nice Post " comment? Should there be any limit on the % of niceness in it. Lol.
"Nice Pic" is the worse ones lol
I hate it when they write, “I upvoted your post 100%, now upvote mine 100%...” Ummm no!
you mean you dont want to exchange your $1 vote for their penny vote? lol
Isn't that always the case. Reputation below 30, vote worth a penny. I don't like the begging for votes thing and follow you follow me crap...
You don't like copper?
haha funny you said that. Years ago I briefly got into the whole copper penny hoarding thing. Did it for a few weeks and then realized how much space copper takes up and how much weight that is, I was like screw that. All the time sorting pre 1981 pennies from post 1981 pennies was wasted when I took them back to the bank. The bank wasn't too happy about me dumping all those pennies on them either lol
You should have paid a ticket with those. They absolutely love that.
(I remember seeing a video of an angry guy doing that LOL)
My whole family (except me and my brother), starting from my great granddad, were coin and stamp collectors, so i know a big deal about coin
and smelly old paper hoarding.
I have a nice holding of Chinese Pandas
That left me speechless my friend
I'm dying of laughing after seeing this post lol..... very spontaneous!
Ha ha.. Bart would do that too!!
I'm not a whale yet, but I have enough steem power to make people regret those posts
Haha, well if someone write a comment "nice post" then how we find that he or she is spammer, they might have weak english skills.
nice post! kappa
😂 😂 this is so hilarious, been awhile I commented on here, I missed you stackin 😘 happy Valentine
Thanks for the reminder, totally forgot it was Valentine’s Day 😅😂
Hehehe 😂, there's so much fuss about it here, where I come from, you can't just forget. ☺
Charles @stackin I Love the People that come over and checkout my latest BLOG and don't read the entire post and Realized they left a .50 UP Vote on the table because of some simple instructions posted below The Lady of The Bunker Video @stokjockey
Or so :)
That is some funny animal stuff! made me laugh
so funny :-)
I was tempted to ask for an upvote :) Happy Valentines Day! ;)
niceeee postttttttttt
The best part is the half the comments in a post about bad comments are bad comment...lol.
That's for sure)))) I know people, who put a flag for this comment)))
I dont get to many comments yet, but I can understand what your saying
You'll eventually get them sooner or later lol :)
I can only hope, and thank you for the reply and the vote
lol ... maybe dan should come up wiht some kind of auto - delete function for ya ... how is that buddy? :)
Na, he's to busy having flag wars with NED LOL
Lol, you r soo funny, you should be a comedian 😂 😂
true - didn´t take that into account. Oh well, then mabye we should 10X our efforts to find a way fo not getting auto repsonses which - I admit - are a pain in the ass...
Haha.. This is funny and sad at a time.. I am agree when someone commenting without reading our hard work its as bad feeling as above
I find it funny that they waste there time doing it lol
Yeah you are right to.. But i also feel sympothy for them..
Nice post upvote me dear
Hahaha that feeling is priceless
Those are the worse when people call me dear 🤣😂
😂 true
Nice post.
@stackin give me upvote. Lol
Ok lol
Ha ha ha..... Happy valentine day KING @stackin
Totally forgot it was V day haha
Why? haven't you GF?
yes, it stressy....you write or post a great topic and give passion in your steemit artwork and than some IG stylers come like....dont wanna repeat it. thats the reason why I am here and not longer anymore on IG or FB or the others. its only blabla. not nice, not criticle, not informative...this gif shows on a funny way what goes through my mind when i read some comments ...
digital ghost hug :-P
steem on my dear
Okay,this is funny,i hope i don't get to experience this😀😀😀 cos i might upvote .
Happy valentine Stackin
Give it some time, they will show up lol ... Happy Valentines Day right back!
You are really making a statement to spammer. Hahahahaha!!
like getting slapped in the face with a cold fish
Just like this one 😅
Honestly you are so correct. One i so hate is the "thanks for sharing" spammers. What are you thanking for??..when you did not even go through to know what was written.
Hate it when people write "Dear" and "Sir" inn the comments lol
Much info.. so good... learned lot.... Nice Picture.
Upvoted you (Spammer did not)
Followed you (Spammer did not)
Resteemed the post (Spammer did not)
Follow for follow... upvote for upvote Miss
Bad post bro, don't give me an upvote!
Sorry, I like to vote on comments lol
Like given them the slap of their life

Thanks sir you are always right your research work is too good and perfect i wish every one should know abuot spam before joinig. I suggest peoples to resteem your post to new comers thsnks again you did a good work.

Lessons are valuable for beginners
good post
Nice post. Wheres my upvote
Followed you, you follow me 😂
Here is one right here. Hahahahaha!!
do they ever ask to downvote ? maybe I can be the first lolz :p . I am pretty new to Steemit but it never came up to me to post a reply just to ask an upvote . It seems cooler to me to be complimented just because you have something to say or let someone laugh with your comment. greetings Benji
Spamming comments not allow on @stackin wall.
so loving this........lols
Great job👌👋👏😂keep'em coming steemit and when you have a chance visit my blogs keep up the good work thanks
I'm loving the dmania I've had 3 bot votes in a week. It bring a fair amount of spam and begging just trending on dmania but its worth it
really frustrating like good post, nice post are all spam
LoL..When someone asked for vot... give him Vot...Which vot name is down -Vot 🙈
sometimes they make a good jokes, but they didn't know, they are on jokes!
hahaah this is amazing
nice photographic meme my heart enjoyed it....
haha just kidding im a real person not a bot
Yes, that's what I feel also with spammers and those who post links on comments asking for upvotes
Your post and the comments makes me smile DEAR :-)
Happay Valentines day
Keep those coming hahah nice post lol :D
UP... Oh that's not how it works?