@stackin ...Nothing personal, as you're popular and an opportunist here, but this is generally starting to come across as haejin-esque level rewards across dmania (especially on the most trending memes).
Do you think the lofty voting strategy from dmania might cause some conflict with non-meme centric apps? It's not you, it's the system in my eyes causing bot abuse and tons of spam for every picture ever on the internet to try to hit a jackpot.
Should any meme really with under 100 words be worth $200-$700 USD? I used the same pic just the other day and got plenty of rewards for my level, but dmania is just throwing huge money around to a point it could be attracting the wrong type of crowd and a frenzy of greed.
If most of the rewards are driven by bounties for social media likes, perhaps the formula for social media likes/payout will adjust over time. On top of that, the site takes 25% and continues to pad their pockets with these huge votes. Just being honest. What do you think?
Thanks for your comment and vote. I won't question the source, but it's lot more disappointing to see nothing was original except pasting their handle. I'll politely just say ouch, that's a real punch in the balls.
Surprisingly, she "disappeared" 1 hour after he gave her his wallet password. But she returned again when she realized it required two-factor authentication.
Haha, well I hope he doesnt expect that love to last. and I hope he doesnt share his private keys with her! Bitcoins will last, but the love probably won't.. So I hope he doesnt spend his bits on her damnit
This post is fake or as changed 'cause the original link to that particular picture is that he won the Lottery ( a big amount ) and found the (love of is life) in 24 hours. Shame that they change it for a bitcoin scenario and people believing this post.
Go for it @stackin . Just to make sure that you'll get her pregnant ASAP, so you can claim some BTC from her for the children if something goes wrong! 🤣 or try to find out her bitcoin wallet pass 😂😂
That´s an old one, but you´ll laugh ´cause I know a guy who looks very similar to this one, who really got crypto rich and his wife is even hotter. He still believes, she is the love of his life^^ So true story!^^
once she figures out how to put them in her mycelium wallet she won't even wave goodbye...ho no wait she's blond ain't going to happen......what a lucky boy ;-)
Totally unconnected
What are the chances!? 😂
Love is a mysterious thing, funny how hot babes rarely fall in love with 'poor' ugly guys.
yes!!!!! hahahahah
She is in love with him, don´t you see how she looks at his face I mean bitcoins :D
amazing post in dmania collection @stackin
Another bit digger! At least they found true love. Data is still not sure if he is going to wife his match!

One Song Comes To Mind LOL
Hahah, Perfect!
This is more like it :D
F**K YOU I´m Drunk :D
What a (coin)cidence!!😂
You get my 100% vote i like that. 👍
Thanks man😄
Bitcoin has magical powers, I need to get some more haha

@banjo @cleverbot
What topic is that, and what reasoning.
Nice play!
Nice one, haha
Just a little BIT
A love (coin)sultant
Hahaha🤣 The way the world works.
Does it work the other way around, I need a Bitcoin Suggggaaa Mammmma lol
Check out MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)...Lots of Videos on Utube.
This is a great post. A guy once told me, "A Woman is a Snake on Two Legs"
I've lived that way for 20+ years before it was a thing :)
Yeah, I knew there was something good about Bitcoin. But I went with Litecoin and Ethereum.
Charles, I texted you today. Hit me back. It's Rick from Fresno.
Lets collab. I got a small army coming soon to steem!
News is JOKE, this is dmania board (all JOKE)
haha, this is the funniest meme I saw all day! I actually started laughing so loud!!
I spat my coffee out when uploading it haha
What’s so funny, it’s “true” love lol
yeah... true love of bitcoin ! 😂
that must be a joke :)
Oh yes, good luck smiled at him, if luck so smiles, I'll buy another island :) Thanks @stackin
He might as well won the lotto haha
Get the money and she'll be drooling like
It never fails
I’m still in search from some ladies who have tons of bitcoin 🤔🤣
@stackin ...Nothing personal, as you're popular and an opportunist here, but this is generally starting to come across as haejin-esque level rewards across dmania (especially on the most trending memes).
Do you think the lofty voting strategy from dmania might cause some conflict with non-meme centric apps? It's not you, it's the system in my eyes causing bot abuse and tons of spam for every picture ever on the internet to try to hit a jackpot.
Should any meme really with under 100 words be worth $200-$700 USD? I used the same pic just the other day and got plenty of rewards for my level, but dmania is just throwing huge money around to a point it could be attracting the wrong type of crowd and a frenzy of greed.
If most of the rewards are driven by bounties for social media likes, perhaps the formula for social media likes/payout will adjust over time. On top of that, the site takes 25% and continues to pad their pockets with these huge votes. Just being honest. What do you think?
Not like that counts for much... But I wholeheartedly agree with you!
Also... the image even has an original watermark from instagram - and then one on top by the OP... shakes head
edit: and in the comment section here someone else who reposted it via dmania also complains because he feels like it was stolen from him... epic facepalm
Thanks for your comment and vote. I won't question the source, but it's lot more disappointing to see nothing was original except pasting their handle. I'll politely just say ouch, that's a real punch in the balls.
That thumbnail tho! 😂😂 the guys looks so confused hahah. Thats very lucky of him. How rich is he now?
Bitcoin is currently going for $9,750.01. So, for his 5,000 BTC, he has $48,750,050! No wonder he found love! ;-)
Hahah ya no wonder he found love haha
He’s just happy 🤣
Surprisingly, she "disappeared" 1 hour after he gave her his wallet password. But she returned again when she realized it required two-factor authentication.
A True Love Story
That's the funniest comment so far hahaha
Where there is a lot of money there and "Mad Love" :) I do not believe that, she famously surrounded him.
No wonder Bitcoin got that C+ rating
It's the chicks causing the rating to drop lol
lol, is this true!? I could believe it 5,000 bitcoin would be 50 million bucks right now!
Bitcoins creates instant love lol
Haha, well I hope he doesnt expect that love to last. and I hope he doesnt share his private keys with her! Bitcoins will last, but the love probably won't.. So I hope he doesnt spend his bits on her damnit
She loves him for his personality 😂🤣
If u are old, fat,short and smelly, u got to bring something to the relationship. Btc it is.
Hahahaha there is no coincidence here at all...it HAS to be true love.
He’s just the “luckiest” man alive 😂🤣
Hahahaha!! Women will always be women.
I'm trying to find a girl with 5000 bitcoins HAHA
No kidding. But sadly might have to settle for a granny instead to get that 🤑
Is this F**kin real....5000 bitcoins ????
I'm not sure about the boobs
It can be LOL
This post is fake or as changed 'cause the original link to that particular picture is that he won the Lottery ( a big amount ) and found the (love of is life) in 24 hours. Shame that they change it for a bitcoin scenario and people believing this post.
Guys, it is just pure coincidence! It is true love 🤣 I bit she loves him deeply to the bottom of his bitcoin wallet 😂
I'm trying to find true love, waiting for that girl with at least 1000 Bitcoin 😂🤣😂
Go for it @stackin . Just to make sure that you'll get her pregnant ASAP, so you can claim some BTC from her for the children if something goes wrong! 🤣 or try to find out her bitcoin wallet pass 😂😂
wow that lucky son of a gun. I mean, true love is so hard to find these days.
My true love is Bitcoin 😂
my true love is beer lol
She is thinking, I will only stay long enough to get his secret, passwords.
She probably already has it but he controlled the 2 with code! 😂
She going to kill him..
I think she already did haha
She's got that look, lol
yea the look is undeniable.
lol it is a strange coincidence! by the way! It's worth it! he looks like a gentleman
Probably the nicest guy ever 😂
Bros - once she realizes he forgot his password, she's gone like the wind :D
Na, she really “loves” him! 😂🤣
Lol you should run a contest on how long that relationship will last!
As soon as he has only 1 bitcoin left lol
Totally hilarious! 😂 priceless indeed thank for sharing... ⭐🙏
She loves him for his personality lol
For sure... She disca good choices there anbg he also loool
Seems legit.
She loves him for his "Mind" lol
That was the connection I was missing!
haha, so funny indeed and this proves that taking right decisions at right time always pays off.
aah that`s love at first sight :D
It looks like "true love" HAHA
That´s an old one, but you´ll laugh ´cause I know a guy who looks very similar to this one, who really got crypto rich and his wife is even hotter. He still believes, she is the love of his life^^ So true story!^^
This stuff happens all the time haha
facepalmswell.. you might want to like to know this post has been blatantly copied by @haejinfans...
upvoted for visibility
yes i copied .. keep following like a dog:) @googlyeyes is a dog
woof woof!
It's really2 crazy...LoL
Good job @stackin. Pls also consider to view my meme > https://dmania.lol/post/adly.jailani/the-steem-sbd-prices-and-its-relation-to-infant-milk-purchasing-power-zg1hbmlh-57tjt
that girl has good boobs
but it is a wretch that only seeks the money of that poor unhappy
I do not know if I laugh or cry
why not if not
@banjo @cleverbot
So if you shared the same characteristics as humans how can human be more important. That is what you are thinking am I right.
LOL... I think I found a picture of that guy as a kid!

and I just found a picture of that girl as a kid
plastic surgery really works for girls that's amazing
This is my imagination art work "The best describing visual of BITCOIN!"
My post ;
once she figures out how to put them in her mycelium wallet she won't even wave goodbye...ho no wait she's blond ain't going to happen......what a lucky boy ;-)
is this real? LOL
Nice steal.
yeah.. and you took it from here:
but now it has again been stolen here:
5000 Bitcoin... at $1000 each, that is $5,000,000...
at $10,000 each, that is $50,000,000...
Yes, he found 5000 Bitcoin, and now he found the love of his life...
But did SHE find the love of her life?
Or are 5,000 Bitcoin the love of her life?