

I don't.

Is the joke because only trash is on the trending page?


No. I missed that. Was it a goatse thing?


It's not even a good open buttocks pic.

I mean, after goatse the bar was raised.

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

lol, good joke. I have both just in case, actually they are my top two holdings : STEEM and EOS :)

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

It took me quite some time to figure out this post. It is indeed funny and at the same time speaks sense. The irony is that it is DAN who is working on that project.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment