
trucks have been used in terrorists attacks in which they were remarkably successful at killing people...

Exactly, yet the same gun control advocates do not apply their logic to other things that can be used to murder.

anyone who wants to disarm you is not your friend.
neither are they the friend of liberty.

Lets be real, the purpose of the truck is to move the cargo so that the cargo gets from one place to the other. In the case of the projectile, the intention of the projectile is to kill/harm or shoot for fun at a target, in which case a simple rifle will do. There are way better arguments against gun control.

You are perfectly right, trucks and cars are dangerous as well and can cause lethal accidents, that is why you must register your vehicle, have a driver's licence and have an insurance before you buy one . This is the least that should be required in order to buy a gun.

I disagree. The same can be said for any other object. Kitchen knives, hammers, saws, nails, weights, scissors, etc. etc. are all things that can be used to murder or cause harm to another human. By your your logic, people should be forced to register all of their things, get approval from the State to use those items, and pay for insurance. The Orwellian State becomes a reality through your logic. There is no ethical argument for threatening people with death and imprisonment if they don't have the papers you subjectively believe will keep criminals in check.

Criminals will use whatever means they can find to achieve their ends. If someone really wants to murder and harm others, they will find a way, breaking whatever laws exist. Any criminal that is intelligent and wants to hide their tracks, won't register a car or a gun in their name.

Also, you are wrong that you need all of those things before you buy a vehicle. Those things are required when you put it on the road. Regardless, the fact remains that those requirements will not prevent criminals from using whatever means they can to harm others.