
woohoo #thepholosopher is chosen

Dear @vonabell

I've noticed that you've been delegating some of your STEEM POWER to @therising. It's definetly account, which used to be active and provided decent daily payout.

Today I would like to introduce you to new, absolutely interesting project. Have you ever heard about @project.hope?

I'm part of it and we're manually curating and supporting quality content creators (on both chains) publishing about topics related to:

  • technology,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence
  • as well es economy, business and marketing.

Most importantly, we're providing much higher daily payouts, thanks to the fact that our policy is to share 100% curation rewards with delegators.

Consider changing your valuable delegation to our @project.hope, which will allow our community to grow even stronger.

Would you like to hear more details about our passive income program, please let me know and I will gladly introduce ourselfs, our goals and vision and explain why we can provide higher returns on your delegation, than any other program out there.

Hope to hear from you :)
Yours, @crypto.piotr

The Proverbs woman is a rare find but a treasure when found.

@vonabell so glad to see a post from you Beautiful Lady, it has been some time. I hope everything is good currently.......

Woman has now going aheadl in every field of life, And it is her right to go in to all her desired field

Words to live by....