What Exactly Do We Fight?
Corporations have, near totally, taken over every human population, and contorted them into commercial venues. They have destroyed the educational systems through the commercialization of curriculum, via conspicuous funding and sponsorship, whose agenda is a subservient future generation. Human relationships have been manipulated by the media to reflect consumerism, rather than brotherhood, and legal adherence, rather than ones inherent natural values. The corporate agenda has used its wealth, built upon the slavery of humanity, to spread across the entire globe, infiltrating all cultures, and replacing all manifestations of honor, dignity, and freedom, with unnecessary, fabricated, and utterly artificial political abstractions, which abstractions have, very nearly erased all numinous recognition or memory of their position within Earths ecosystem. Humanity has thus been re-engineered by the corporation, to be fat, lazy, willfully ignorant, and desirous of the poisonous products and services offered by their disgusting and ignoble establishment.
Theses Corporations are fiercely controlled by, very often, only a few individuals who rule over the lives of millions of workers, and which workers sustain and enable their anti-human and anti-freedom campaigns. For this reason their workers must be recognized as our own enemies, indeed the enemies of dignity and nobility itself. Any aspect of human freedom expressed, and any element of independent thought voiced, is viewed by the corporate establishment, as disobedient or illegal, and results in a quick termination, an elimination from, or imprisonment by, that system for whom financial profits are all that matter. This is a literal war and your life is at stake, Know This!
The commercializing and monetizing of medicine and information has created a situation whereas anyone outside of the social grid is therefor underprivileged and uninformed, abandoned to die from basic and curable diseases, and left to remain ignorant of basic reasoning, on the charge of maintaining ones dignity and refusing to be a mindless wage slave. Such corporations own all social services and health-care systems, ensuring that all members of society must move along commercial grids, thus by limiting access to medical treatment and social services, corporations have taken hold of the very evolution of mankind, that eventually willful slavery will be the only variety human lifestyle left, and the corporation will be the only, indeed the final, authority. And that is exactly what they want. Its very nearly what they have. And this is why we fight.
For corporations, human life is worthless unless it can be conquered through physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual warfare; which human capacities are marketed back to those conquered, in some cheap Hollywood version, at the price of their, now hallow, time, attention, lives, and freedom. The human being is little more than cattle, to be to milked of labor, to be fed consumer philosophical abstractions, drown in useless unnatural products, and eventually worked to death. This system and its adherents must be destroyed, quite simply because this system aims to destroy humanity, which is evident within its outright disdain for human freedoms, moral valuation, and Natural Law. Corporations have expressed no other desire than the absolute control, the absolute slavery of the world, its people and its resources, and that they will subvert social revolutionary instincts, they will murder, they will destroy, they will kill, they will usurp, and they will exploit, anything in the name of profit.
Corporations want a future where all human beings are mindless consumers and workers, who have no rights, who ask no questions, who make no demands, where all children submit to the agenda of the exclusive class, where all citizens are rendered morally weak through addiction to drugs, alcohol, fast food, and base sexual desires. We who would rather die than to dishonor ourselves, our loved ones, or our world, with such indignant waste and slavery, are in for the fight of an age. This isn't a war for the history books... We are fighting to preserve the books themselves.
How The Enemy Works
To fully understand the boundlessness, and merciless dedication, of the corporations with which we are at war, one need only observe the methods of those who shamelessly enslave children to their materialistic desires, desires for wealth and luxury, openly attempting to destroy the spirit of humanity in its formative developmental years, by replacing it with unnatural brand, carer, and legal, pursuits. Nearly all of human culture, religion, law, custom, art, expression, and communication of any kind, has been boxed in by branding, philosophical genre, copyright, taxation, or some such mental prison aimed at routing human creativity and intuitiveness into capitalist slavery. Corporations have infested the human food supply with manufactured products, and turned it into yet another private commodity. They have turned children into brand zombies and they have damaged our future by commercialize the collective world view and placing short term profits over the collective well being, or evolution, of humanity. Modern media corporations praise ownership, and hoarding of material possessions, whereas exploration of numinous experience is all but mocked and branded new age nonsense. The reality of the matter is that numinous understanding, Hermeticism and Gnosticism, are among the most ancient of human insights, some version of which has been manifest within every human culture. Alchemy, its study, or mere acknowledgment, are not only removed from the modern corporate culture, but the desire can hardly arise due to the constant bombardment of hypnotic advertising issued from television, radio, internet, and print media, all of which are focused upon consumerism, fashion, and some form of insecurity, all of which are accomplished or remedied via adherence to wage slavery, and all of which absolutely destroy the capacity for imagination...
The enemy seeks, not only to occupy the physical lands and bodies of the peoples of Earth, but also that strata of reality emergent of the physical. The enemy has invaded the mind and heart of humanity, and adorn it with as many flashing neon signs and filthy billboards, as any abhorrent city street, and just as with the city street, any of us who deviate from the norm and think independently of the establishments flashy filth are treated as attention seekers, confused bums, or terrorist gang members. The most sickening element of the blind masses, whom Elite Occultist call the Dead, is their utter mental dependency upon the fetishism of fashionable trend, all of which is specifically designed to replace natural human pursuits with systems of creating debt, forcing the population to continue reporting to wage slavery. It is important to recognize the effect that corporate culture has on humanity, and perhaps more important to recognize the methods of the overall scheme, that one be mindful of them, observing opportunities to hinder or expose their overall agenda.
There is no longer any line to be drawn between corporations and governments, as each represent the interests of the capitalist class, both are uninterested in what the people feel or have to say, many government officials serve on corporate boards and vice versa, and both aim to milk the people of their labor and energy. They both seek greater profits, taxes, and power over the general public as well. It is therefore obvious, that going to war with one, implies going to war with the other.
Governments have long been used to bail out failing corporations, which corporations pay for the campaigns of those politicians who bend, break, or redefine, the law in corporate favor. The result of corporate bailouts is such that the corporation maintains any profits gained, shifting all losses onto the government in question, who in turn, shifts all monetary loss onto the people by raising their taxes. If anyone refuses to pay taxes, they are sentenced to prison, which prison is paid for with taxes collected from the people, who are being forced to support the ruling of a judged whose practice is to defend and enforce the laws created by the corporate government in the first place. Corporations use campaign contributions to ensure that no citizen can run for public office without corporate financing, and thus they maintain an iron grip over the political process, ensure that no genuine politician makes it to office, and no anti corporate philosophy is given voice. Political success is only possible for traitorous individuals who are easy to buy out, and so the parameters of any political debate remain within corporate control.
Corporate executives across the world have been known to create false addresses abroad, and revoke their citizenship, to avoid paying taxes, while publicly advocating patriotic and nationalistic propaganda, urging the people to be good little tax payers in order to make their nations strong and proud. The same governments and corporations are notorious for cheating tax codes, and moving their own personal assets to private foreign accounts, which is directly depleting the national wealth in question, not to mention their mock-patriotism is most often used to instigate wars whereas they fund, and profit from, each side. Corporations lens their intentions and actions through government agencies thus collecting trillions of dollars in profits from war, by selling bombs, missiles, guns, grenades, et al, while avoiding any and all responsibility (from their own common laws) for human deaths, or property damage, from which they also profit. These corporations also have little reason to concern themselves with the lives of the poor who make terrible consumers. If a poor person joins the military they either receive pay which promotes their ability to consume products or they are killed which removes them from existence. For the corporation, who pays no taxes in support of said military, its a win/win situation. These are but a few of the myriad of schemes employed by the thieves often referred to as politicians and CEO’s.
It is vitally important that we make clear that we are not merely indicating that mundane, fashionably flaunted, anti-establishment attitude; we must stress an understanding of the intent and method of those thieves, murderers, and slavers, with whom we are at war, defining specifically that to which we are opposed, and our reason to resist the undignified existence, the humiliating and unnatural treatment of ourselves and of our planets resources. We must elaborately demonstrate and manifest our desire to build a dignified community according to our own moral agenda, which is to say, according to Natural Law.
The Enemies Tools
Fast food corporations are designed to turn the populace into a dependent, obese, and lethargic, entity lacking the ability to cook or create its own food, seeking instant gratification rather than sustainable self reliance. Every year they spend billions of dollars hiring unethical psychologists to design irresistible ad campaigns specifically targeting adults, teens, and children.
Alcohol corporations use advertisements to present the disease of alcoholism as a glamorous social reality. These corporations are making billions each year by poisoning the minds and bodies of those who consume alcohol, while suggesting escapism is socially acceptable, and actually fixing ones problems is optional. Also, addicted, intoxicated, consumers, are far less likely to pay attention to their surroundings than healthy, sober, and informed activist.
Cosmetics corporations destroy the confidence of young women, tapping into the minds of girls at extremely young ages, erasing their self-esteem to make them feel lacking and ugly in order to make cosmetic products a necessity for hundreds of millions of insecure females who are beautiful just the way they were born. Beauty has become an extremely expensive, false, racist, euro-centrist, corporate agenda to turn the human body and personal confidence into a commodity.
Fashion Corporations encourage a commercially controlled self-image, owned mainly by wealthy men, exploit women from all walks of life, turning women into addicts of petty clothes endowed with manufactured mysticism or enslaving them in sweatshops around the world. These delusional slaves chase the glamour of the model image, oblivious to, or accepting of, the fact that most models and fashion executives are drug addicts using unnatural chemicals to contort their bodies into unnatural shapes. Fashion corporations have established a monopoly on the very definitions of beauty, through their intricate network of media to insure that their products are consumed mindlessly.
Media corporations work methodically to control the political world-view of the populace, injecting their capitalist bias into everything, injecting the abstracts of moral inversion, inverted ethics, and legal systems opposed to Natural Law, into the paradigm of the populace via extremely effective propaganda techniques. Complete control over the minds of the people has been effected by only a few who have twisted human perception to make it fit into the designs of the ruling class and thus the willful slave world-view propagates the political and economical interests of the wealthy, as willful slaves are passive, compliant, conformed, and entertained, utterly adherent to agenda of the upper class.
Corporations use free labor from more than two million labor camp prisoners in the United States and are actively doing everything in their power to increase the number of customers (prisoners) in private prisons (state cages). Corporations see the prison industry as a growth industry, where massive profits can be made by housing ‘customers’ (thus collecting taxes from the State), and from the free labor of prisoners (not having to pay for their products assembly). Prison is the ideal corporate structure, where workers are paid nothing to work for the rest of their lives. They also control the social climate through media, which in turn intensifies imprisonment thus intensifying private-prison profits and are thereby demonstrating that they are not satisfied with the already horrible state of wage-slavery, but ever demanding an even harsher private prison-slavery in order to eliminate even wages. Note that very few corporate or political leaders end up in prison no matter how many common laws they break, because they own the law, and they own the prisons. You literally have to be blind not to see this scam.
It is obvious that corporations aim to destroy human minds, human culture, human relationships, and the planet Earth, unless they can dominate and enslave it. Already, they have destroyed countless cultures, countless human lives, physical spaces, and our limited precious resources. The corporate worldview is devoid of numinous understanding, limited completely to assigning monetary values to anything and everything in sight, driven by an illogical, indeed an insane, hunger for material accumulation and consumption. This cannot be stopped with anything short of the relentless opposition and removal of the Elite, and the reclaiming of the plane of Causation. Only we few who have awakened can fight this spiritual, and if necessary psychical, war, cleansing the world of corporate slavery, dethroning corporations of all their power, influence, and wealth, and place personal liberty and the Earths resources back into humanities own hands, that we take charge of our own freedom and conscious evolution.
Ones perception of their environment is a production of ones own internal state, and the state in question denotes not that in which the mind dwells, but that which the mind has assumed of its dwelling. The reality of ones own being ‘seems’ certain enough, though when questioned honestly, becomes apparently fragile and convenient. One is taught to evaluate their environment rather than to build or create it. One is directed to take care of, or maintain the self, rather than to codify or build the self. One is directed to approach all reality in terms of analyzation and study, and to use collected data so as to formulate an equation which confirms the unspoken assumption to determine the minds location within a presupposed structure according to rigid objectivism such as science, or traditional adherence such as religion, without ever actually exploring the depth and breadth of their own mental and spiritual capacities. Humanity can no longer allow its mind to be directed and governed in this manner, quite simply because the directors and governors are slaughtering humanity like so many cattle, and if its worth addressing factory farmings cruelty (and in most certainly IS), how much more is it worth fighting when you find yourself in that same damn cage, told how to live, how to breed, told what to do with your young or have them taken away, how you'd better look and behave, or to be beaten, electrocuted, tortured, and murdered otherwise... I'm ashamed that I have to write this damned essay and even ask the question...
- D. M. Hutchins 2nd
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Indeed, a much older version of this essay, from a another life and another mindset.
u got my vote. the problem is that those who can see it have no $$$$
I am skint and subjected to attempted enslavement by the UK State to their corporate masters. All state have been bought bymultinationalss