DMT breakthrough fail; a rough way up...

in #dmt7 years ago

I sat impatiently trying to slow my breath in order to relax while my friend prepared the DMT. Deep breaths so I wouldn't go into this place with fear. "Are you ready?" My friend whispered, keeping with the relaxing mood he could obviously tell I was attempting to create. "Let's do this", I said.
First hit, it doesn't cause an effect until seconds after exhale. A ringing in the ear is the first thing I notice followed by a sleepy heaviness. Sticking with the deep breathing, I prepare for the next hit which is big and causes effects as I'm exhaling. A strong drowsiness comes over me as the ringing gets louder and I start to breathe heavy as if gravity is weighing on my body. I feel a little less like myself which makes me a bit self conscious with someone else in the room who's ego is not in the process of being torn down. I know the next hit is the ominous 3rd hit in which you're said to be blasted into DMT land; I'm ready.
Hit 3. I immediately close my eyes almost as if I was forced to and things start getting very chaotic. I feel a rush of adrenaline from within even thought my body is dead weight. I see complex geometrical patterns all over the place, it becomes a canvas for everything that is in my field of vision. With eyes closed I am seeing bright colors and vivid hues which differentiate several layers of patterns that are rotating and actively turning into fractals. I turn my attention to the self, at which point the self tries to find the ego. I ask myself what is going on, is this what people do on a Sunday afternoon? I couldn't even answer this because I truly did not know. Ahhh the struggle of ego death. I then came into a room where everything in it was fractals, wallpaper of moving and transforming fractals. I was in the waiting room and didn't feel like I was accelerating anymore, I was actually decelerating within the trip. At this point I remembered what I was doing and opened my eyes to my friend sitting there waiting for me to take another hit. It had been 2 minutes since my last hit, obviously much longer than what you're suppose to wait between hits if you really want to break through. I shook my hand and said no more. That ride was way too intense and needed to come back down. I felt great, as if I had survived an amazing journey. Still had to scold my friend for not keeping me on track to take the next hit, after hit 3 I forgot what we were even doing.

A breakthrough fail, but a truly spectacular journey, and a small vacation from the ego.


Wow, that was intense! Amazes me that you saw so much geometry and fractals, but then that is what everything is, in reality. Great share!