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RE: The Road Ahead - Step Three: More Dungeons & Dragons!

in #dnd7 years ago

I, also, need more D&D in my life! I've started three campaigns in the past two years and they've all fallen apart (mostly due to people losing interest /life getting in the way). I really want to start another one (or five).

I've loved rpgs my whole life, but it wasn't until D&D that I realised I was actually hunting for free choice, cooperative, story creating.

Thanks for reminding me! 😁


Same here! I tried starting a campaign in a very particular world that I was working on, but I hated the idea of having to tell players, "no, you can't be that because that's not how the world works." I learned that I prefer to build a world around PC's and let them mould it, instead of the other way around. But need players first :P