Steemit RPG Community

in #dnd7 years ago

I'm fairly new to Steemit, having just created my account in early January. I honestly had no idea what to expect, beyond cypto-enthusiasts and tech blogs, and was very pleased to see a budding tabletop RPG community!

Beginning with the D&D red box, RPGs became a cornerstone of my youth and personal development. The first time I laid eyes on those magical dice, filling the numbers in with crayon, my imagination flared to life! Everything about it, and I mean everything, filled me with wonder! The dice, the art, the charts and tables, and the maps came together to build a fantastical adventure machine.

It didn't stop with D&D. I loved reading rulebooks almost as much as I enjoyed playing new systems. Palladium, Shadowrun, Hero System, Star Wars D6, In Nomine, and many many more, including a variety of house systems. Ah yes, so many hours went into our very own Wild Cards RPG.

Not all game groups last forever, and thus my Crown Royal dice bag remained unopened for many years, until about 2 years ago, when a group of us decided that come Hell or high water we will play D&D again! Since then I've taken the mantle of GM to run a Mouseguard campaign and 2 Pathfinder campaigns, and am also playing my 2nd character (Quincy Fallow) in Natty19's 2nd D&D campaign.

That we get to record and share our adventures with others has been so much fun, and I'm glad to be a part of the D&D and RPG scene on Steemit. I look forward to seeing our community grow and getting to know you all better as we celebrate these great games that are truly fantastic experiences!


Glad we could rope you in with our compelling, ongoing narratives.

I have been trying really hard to curate a group of independent RPG players who spend time on Steemit. There are a lot of people into D&D, but that's never been my personal thing. I'm more into the far out indie games where things like GM-less gameplay and character nonownership live.

Out in the crazy lands.

But I hope that you will find stuff around here that speaks to you and what you find interesting about games. That is the ultimate ideal.

Welcome to the madhouse!

I've dabbled in some crazy games; Amber's diceless RPG comes to mind! It may be the nostalgia speaking, but I find myself intrigued by retro-style games like Dungeon Crawl Classics.

Are there any GM-less RPGs you could recommend?

I, er, may have written a couple of articles on the issue here or there.

This one might be a good place to start:

Wow, I think I'll have to watch some of your Microscope and Kingdom videos.

It's funny I didn't think of it until I was reading your article, but 20 years ago or so I wrote an unusual RPG that we never test played. I may still have some notes, but the game was to unfold based on the player characters' conflicting manifestations of 'reality'. The intent was for the game world to develop through the will of the characters, whose power in turn derives from their influence over their creations.

It may be trash for all I can recall, as I had some strange notions in my early twenties, but I certainly want to dig it out of the closet now :)

That really reminds me of Gregor Hutton's Solipsist RPG, which is sadly no longer promoted by a decent website.

Ironic, really, in retrospect.

yet more to research, thank you :)

Thank you, I'm reading it now!

Welcome, @natty19podcast! It's good to see more and more gamers here. :)

Wow, I like your work! I'm surprised I haven't seen any of your posts yet, but I'm still learning to use steemit. Most of the time I check what's new in 'dnd', and sometimes 'gaming', but perhaps I should broaden my topics.