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RE: Cloudflare’s DNS Promises to Increase Privacy and Internet Speed

in #dns7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you!

I’m not recommending Cloudflare’s service, I’m no techie, but I’m letting you know about this fresh option being made available on the market. Of course, do your own research as there are now numerous public and private DNS services to choose from.

It's similar to VPNs, if you want to have your privacy truly protected then you have to pay for it. I'm pretty sure all of the free ones collect data on their users.

Thanks for your comment! I'm curious which DNS would you recommend?


They write that they don't have any interest in selling userdata to other companies. But yeah, of course its up to you to trust them.I use the servers of DNS WATCH -->

But they need donations in order to keep their service running.
I guess donating them is a smart way to spend your Bitcoins: 1DNSaFkH4a5mexQvn3oWFmdwH7VNodepLw


Okay nice, I did come across this website while i was researching this post. I'll have to have a closer look. thx