I never even heard of that series, but I really enjoyed to read your educated analysis of that episode - It's really nice to see that popular tv shows decide to use their tools to express opinions and try to make people consider them, actually - it might even be be much helpful than lectures and books about the topic. we learn last week that the story of Angelina Jolie and her surgery after finding she carries the BRCA1 gene made much more impact than any other things on woman's test rates - it might be the case with feminism and this episode also. I just hope that the series will stay fun and that changes that have a moral goal will not hurt the quality and authenticity of the series - I guess there is no reason to worry about such scenario though, it's unlikely.
even if thaat apparently simple message will get to some people - "be nice", than that episode did it part :)
edit: it really remains me of the idea of Reincarnation in Judaism. I guess it a common theme in other religions as well :)
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