100 Things You Did not Know (Curiosities)

in #documental7 years ago (edited)



1- In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's combined nuclear weapons.

2- The ants do not sleep.

3- There are a million insects per person.

4- If for some reason the sun stopped emitting light, it would take us 8 minutes on earth to realize this

5- The longest flight a hen has made is 13 seconds

5-6 A billion years ago the days lasted 18 hours

7- ° The Electric Chair The Invention of a Dentist

8- ° Blonde people have more hair than dark-haired people.

9- °. Since we are born our eyes are always the same size

10- ° Mosquitoes have teeth. (47 teeth)

11- Did you know that when you sneeze your heart will be for millseconds

12- In 1980 in a Las Vegas hospital, several workers were suspended for betting at what time the patients were going to die.

13- ° 70% of Americans do not believe that man has reached the Moon

14- In the city of Los Angeles there are more cars than people.

15- ° The small fish do not get bored in the fishbowl because their memory only lasts two minutes and it is as if they were reborn.

16- ° The cockroach can live nine days without its head, before dying of hunger.

17- °. The most resistant material created by nature is the spider web.

18- ° Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 yields 12,345,678,987,654,321.

19_. The fastest human muscle is that of the eyelid

If you scream for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days ... you generate enough energy to heat a cup of coffee

21- ° A drop of oil is capable of converting 25 liters of water into non-potable.

22- ° In ancient times the Japanese thought that earthquakes were caused by giant spiders.

23- ° When a child finishes primary education he has seen in his short life 8,000 murders and 10,000 acts of violence on television.

24- ° 80% of people between the ages of 15 and 20 slept with the cell phone on or they knew that in youtube they upload 20 hours of video every minute

25- ° Each month that starts on Sunday has a Friday 13 and every month that begins on Thursday has a Tuesday 13.

26- ° .If you try to stop the cough you can break your ribs

27- ° Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, feared the darkness

28- ° The word "cemetery" comes from the Greek koimetirion which means: dormitory.

29_ The first minute of silence of the story lasts two minutes

30 ° A kilo of French fries costs 200 times what is worth a kilo of raw potato ...

31 Millions of trees are planted accidentally by squirrels who bury their nuts and do not remember where they hid them

32 Laughing during the day, makes you sleep better at night!

33 If you thrash your neck every 3 hours for 1 month you can have enough flexibility to lick your elbow

34 is almost impossible to suck elbow

35 use hearing aids for only one hour, increase the number of bacteria in your ear about 700 times.

36 The ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone

37 At birth we have 300 bones, but we only have 206 adults.

38 The oldest piece of chewing gum is more than 9,000 years old.

39 More than 3,000 years ago, most Egyptians died at the age of about 30 years

40 more popcorn is eaten in the fall than at any other season of the year.

41 The longest alphabet in the world is Cambodia, it has 74 letters.

42 An adult human blinks about 23,000 times in a day.

43 The nose has the same length as the forehead

44 All proper names have at least one letter of the name Carlos

45 The eye of the ostrich is larger than its brain.

  1. ​​If you remove a cat's mustache, it can not walk well and therefore loses its balance and falls.

47 Right-handers live on average nine years longer than the left-handers.

48 The yo-yo was first used as a weapon in Asia

  1. The letter Q is the only one that does not appear in any state of North America

  2. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA) natural substance that is what stimulates in the body the action of falling in love.

51 At the bottom of the sea there is a fish that has teeth so large that it can not close the mouth

52 A person will die faster by not sleeping than by not eating, the man can only endure 10 days without sleep, and can be several weeks without eating.

53 Salt has more than 10000 uses

54 It has been proven that the animal with the largest brain in proportion to its size is the ant.

55 The Vatican has enough money to end world poverty twice

56 Acetylseryltyrosylserylisoleucylthreonylserylprolylserylglutaminyl- phenylalanylvalylphenylalanylleucylserylserylvalyltryptophylalanyl- aspartylprolylisoleucylglutamylleucylleucylasparaginylvalylcysteinyl- threonylserylserylleucylglycylasparaginylglutaminylphenylalanyl- glutaminylthreonylglutaminylglutaminylalanylarginylthreonylthreonyl- glutaminylvalylglutaminylglutaminylphenylalanylserylglutaminylvalyl- tryptophyllysylprolylphenylalanylprolylglutaminylserylthreonylvalyl- arginylphenylalanylprolylglycylaspartylvalyltyrosyllysylvalyltyrosyl- arginyltyrosylasparaginylalanylvalylleucylaspartylprolylleucylisoleucyl- threonylalanylleucylleucylglycylthreonylphenylalanylaspartylthreonyl- arginylasparaginylarginylisoleucylisoleucylglutamylvalylglutamyl- asparaginylglutaminylglutaminylserylprolylthreonylthreonylalanylglutamylthreonylleucylaspartylalanylthreonylarginylarginylvalylaspartylaspartylalanylthreonylvalylalanylisoleucylarginylserylalanylasparaginylisoleucyl- asparaginylleucylvalyla Sparaginylglutamylleucylvalylarginylglycyl- threonylglycylleucyltyrosylasparaginylglutaminylasparaginylthreonyl- phenylalanylglutamylserylmethionylserylglycylleucylvalyltryptophyl- threonylserylalanylprolylalanylserine. That is the longest word in the world, it is simply the chemical term for tobacco in English. It has 1185 letters.

57 The most common name in the world is Muhammad.

58 Einstein was never a good student, and he did not even speak well at 9, his parents thought he was mentally retarded.

59 happy and laughing people live longer ... and that angry people are at risk of having diseases like diabetes or diseases like that.

  1. The only immortal animal known so far is Turritopsis nutricula.

61 Las Vegas is the brightest spot in the universe.

62 The earth weighs about 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons ..

63 The state of Florida in the United States is larger than the country of England

64 When a person reaches 70 years of age, his heart will have beaten at least 2.8 billion times

65 Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours

66 The owls are the only birds that can see the blue color

67 We blink more than 10,000,000 times in a year

68 Every 45 seconds a house burns in the United States

69 Smelling bananas and / or green apples can help you lose weight

70 A kind of poison frog has enough poison to kill around 2,200 people

Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he put cold water on his head

72 If you divide the number of female bees by the males of any honeycomb in the world you will always get the same number, PI. 3,14159265 ...

  1. The base of the Great Pyramid of Egypt is equivalent in size to 10 football fields.

74 On average a man can walk the equivalent of three laps to the world throughout his life

  1. Only 2% of the world's population can suck their elbows.

76 45% of Americans do not know that the Sun is a star.

77 Until 1929, cocaine had been found inside Coca-Cola.

78 There's more chance you'll be struck by lightning than winning the lottery.

79 On average, a human eats about 50 kilos of dust in his life.

80 The largest number of children born to a single woman is 69. The woman was a Russian plaintiff: Valentina Vassilyev.

81 When Popeye was created in 1931, consumption of spinach increased by 33% in the USA

If MySpace were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world.

83 One of the shortest wars in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after two days.

84 If facebook were a country would be 3rd most populated of the world.

85 To reach up to 1 billion, it would take 30 years.

86 40% of McDonald's revenue comes from the sale of Happy Cash.

87 The longest fire in the world (that is, the one that lasted the longest), was lit for 437 years in a Chinese coal mine in Sichuan province. It consumed more than 127 million tons of coal and was shut down on November 25, 1997.

88 The book Guinness Records has the record of being the most stolen book of public libraries in the United States.

89 The Greeks believed that the stars were small holes through which the gods watched men.

90 Even a few hours after death, a person throws fart.

91 A jellyfish is made up of 97% water.

92 koala means in an ancient language = animal that does not drink

93 kanguro comes from an Australian language when the Spaniards arrived there they asked a tribe coomo was called the kanguro and they answered kan-gu-rooo and years depsues was discovered ke kanguro means .... not understood

94 One night in 1923 in a large area of ​​Japan thousands of dogs howled for hours, for no apparent reason. The following day, September 1, 142,807 Japanese people died in one of the most terrible earthquakes in history.

95 The Japanese katana can cut a bullet in two And it is so sharp that if a human member is cut it takes 2 milliseconds to bleed

96 A dog smells 20 times better than the man

97 The human brain feels no pain.

98 Celery is so low in calories that it takes more calories to eat and digest it than it does.

99 Michael Jordan is more known around the world than the Pope.
One night in 1923 in a large area of ​​Japan thousands of dogs howled for hours, for no apparent reason. The following day September 1 died 142,807.

Thank you!!!

The content of the post is my own, and / or, is a compilation of different sources.



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