Choco is one of my little nervous pups that come for a groom every 6-8 weeks. He is a Schnauzer/Poodle cross. Here's an after picture of his groom. He is just the cutest thing!
He can be challenging sometimes because he tends to shake while I am cutting from being nervous. Just a little TLC given and we can get this done smoothly! He is a very sweet boy, just a little baby.
I want that little cutie :) Him and Jax - package them up and send them my way..SUNSHINE247
Lol! We would have some very sad owners here if I did that! There would be plenty of missing dogs if we could do that 😝
How lovely hug ♥
Knowing how nervous my dogs are, I can imagine how difficult is to groom him.
As a matter of fact my boyfriend is grooming ours and every time they shake.
By the way this is the first time I see this cross breed. Very cute indeed. 😀
Patience is a virtue! Thats all I can say lol! And he is very cute!
Awww, what a cutie!
I'm wondering if something like D.A.P - dog appeasing pheromones - nearby might help him calm down some. I know there are other brands, but I've used this one personally and know it helps some dogs.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the advice!!! :)
You're welcome! It doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try if it helps him relax.
The first expression is priceless :D