My fury little baby, Elvis

in #dog5 years ago

Hi friends!!!
Today It's a rainy nostalgic day, I want to talk about our tiny litlle friend named Elvis.


As some of you know, we adopted elvis a year ago, now he is 4 years old. It's hard to believe that we adopted a pomeranian of a shelter, but yes... He was another broken toy that someone left there for some reason.
I can't u derstand how can people do this thing to a defenseless 3kg creature that all he wants is love, he literally just wants to be pampered.


We don't know absolutely nothing of his past, we even don't know how was his name but we can see that now he is happy and that in the past his life was hard for his behavior. He loved me since the first day, and He was chasing me and he still follows me everywhere but with Salva (my boyfriend) it was so diferent...
He was terrified of men, I think there was someone in his old house who hit him a lot.
He's still scared sometimes even though we've never hit him, but he is slowly forgetting his past and is now a happy dog.


When we picked him up, he was in a horrible, dirty state, full of knots in his hair and with very long nails that even dug into his skin turning around.

It is normal in the shelter, they are overwhelmed because every day more and more animals arrive that their families have decided to take there or worse, abandon them anywhere to their fate.

The most important thing is that this little monster is now happy and is so grateful ... I encourage all of you who want to have a dog or a cat to adopt it, that animal will thank you all its life, there are some sad stories that became in beautiful ends for some of these wonderful creatures.

Elvis was an expensive whim of someone who got tired and got rid of him, but for that reason now he is with us, his family forever.