If I could change something about steemit it would be that we including me minnows would be taught the 'ropes' about steemit and given a chance to allow ower great content to be recognized and not'shoved under the rug' like we are not important or our content is not important enough to make money like everyone else, that we are just dirt under everyone's feet and that the whales/dolphins should lead the plankton/minnows in the ways to greatness like they are!!!
1.get rid of plagiarism
2.get rid of spammers
3.plankton and minnows should be able to know about all the apps and how to navigate Steemit like the whales and dolphins do
- tell us where are Dtube and all the jargon here on Steemit mean...
Sorry if I don't make much sense but I'm trying because I'm a minnow plus I have brain cancer(Meningioma)...I don't know much about steemit except this if I upvote a lot of people and comment on their post I get STEEM (SBD/SP) so I do it every day and get around $0.111 SBD and 0.069 SP!!!
Dogecoin wallet: