cn: 狗的新年快乐
What Crypto currency would fit this new lunar round best?
My bet is on Dogecoin
Seven hours after the time of writing a new Chinese year will be celebrated. Days of celebration ahead for more than a billion of people all around the world. Where Zhong Kui {cn: 鍾馗}, the ghost and evil spirit chaser, will return to his hometown on new years eve to hunt down the dark forces. So good fortune, happiness, love, health, wealth, and longevity can enter the homes of the families. And the ancestors who wend out off time can join in the festive meals in honor of them.
There is a simularity in honoring tradition and passed away ancestors in practicly all human cultures on earth. Also with symbolism of the time of winter where the spirit world and the realm of the living are very close to each other. In Western culture this can be found in traditions like Samhain, also know as Halloween, or all spirits eve. Going back to the wheel of the year {Joel spirit} making another round. Seems like we humans have a lot in common.
In some stories it has been said that the chaser of ghost and evil, therefore protector of good fortune, Zhong Kui, ruler of hell, had a faithfull companion helping him. And what better helper for the hunt of evil demons than a Dog? Therefore this Chinese new year is a special one for Zhong Kui returning to the realm of the living, because it is the year of his loyal companion, the Dog. And what better fortune for us in the Crypto realm than HODLin Dogecoin? The Chinese new year of the Dog could be a great one for prosperity for those who have some DOGE in their portfolio. Zhong Kui will surely suppor this good helper for his troth and allegiance.
And if Dogecoin is not going to rise beyond belief, than it was a good story at least. Yet remember to only invest in cryptos what you are willing and able to lose...
Happy year of the Dog(e)!

Image cc-by-sa @oaldamster.
Once that dam breaks, the flood comes!?!?!?
We have to wait a couple of days I guess, they party like it's 1999. ;-)
But I think it is going to happen, well, and I hope, of course...
For the moment it's looking good. Fingers crossed.
It's going in the right direction. Crossing my fingers too.
happy dog year
May it be a prosperous one!
heir heir :-)
Happy New Year of the Dog(e).
What I wonder about is the duration of this fest.
Some companies are closed for two weeks on behalf of this newyear festivity.
So for all the people that have ordered at AliExpress, AliBaba and so on:
Please be patient!
Think it lasts for 15 days, including the day before the new Lunar year.
And yes, patience is a virtue. It could take indeed about two weeks.
Somewhere in march 2018 I hope to see the DOGE jump for joy. :-)
Happy new year of the dog, nice post, thanks for sharing
Stray dogs in Moscow have learned to ride the subway to find food.