Dog Lover... My First Puppy

in #doglover7 years ago (edited)

Hi! My name is Marjorie and I am a Dog lover.

I have two dogs, Nash and Maggie. I adopted both of them. Nash was a gift to my friend from her boyfriend, having no time to take care of it, because of the university and a small shop she is running, she left him at home with her older sister. This girl had problems with my friend since their childhood, and she was always looking for a way to bother my friend. When Nash arrived at her house, he was the perfect target to her.

She used to beat him with sticks and put lemon in his mouth, forcefully, just to make him sick; the puppy then, went to poop on her clothes as revenge, then she lashed out him.
My friend was suffering, because she loved, and still loves Nash, but she could not keep taking care of him, she had no space at home, no time, and her sister was constantly hurting and mistreating the poor animal.
With pain in her heart, she asked me if I wanted to take care of Nash.

For so many time I was looking for an street dog to rescue and adopt, but never had the chance to find one, that was in need, and here I was, the happiest girl on the planet, getting the most beautiful, playful and loving puppy of the world! My Nash.

My friend and Nash as a puppy.

Me and Nash

My handsome Nash.