News about Romashka

in #dogs6 years ago


It has been ten days since the operation. How fast time flies! Romashka is already fully accustomed to our home and feels like our dog. If at first I thought that we would cure her and look for a new home for her, now I’m not sure about that. Moreover, we are only at the very beginning.

Today, the vet removed stitches from the Romashka belly. I would like to say that everything is going fine, but unfortunately it is not. Her body is very weak and therefore there are some complications. In particular, lymph accumulation began. In addition, the postoperative sutures themselves still look swollen and inflamed. Her body is still doing poorly.

Vet prescribed new ointments and medicines. On the way home we bought treats for Romashka. It is necessary to support her morale, and what could be better for this than the dog goodies.
In any case, there is no subject for discussion. We must fight on for her.




When my father had an emergency operation to fix a twisted intestine, the wound healed slowly due to his diabetes. He used hydrogen peroxide daily on it till it healed.

My prayers for Romashka!

Cannot believe it is already 10 days - no I think you are the chosen ones that will be so good to her. Thank you