When thirteen dogs run, jump and play in your yard, you have to be ready that your yard looks like this:
But the grass sometimes is necessary for dogs! It was necessary to do something ...
And then I donated part of the territory of my garden for dogs. My husband fenced it and we sowed a special grass for dogs, which is sold in the store for animals.
Today was the grand opening of the Dog's herbal bar! :)
The dogs forgot that they are dogs, not goats, and they ate with pleasure the grass.

I never knew that dogs can eat grass! What is the name of the grass seed?
I might try this with my dog too. Thanks!!
They do not eat it as food, but as a medicine. For example, for dogs, oats are often sprouted.
That's super-awesome!:)
Thank you!
We have an upper-floor verandah only, no yard! I'd like to green it up with grass somehow, tho'.😊
Waiting for pictures:)
My dog also like munching on some grass from time to time. Whenever we take him out in nature, he has some.