#1. Dogs do not like hugs! For them, this is a sign of domination. So stop, finally, do it!
#2. In ancient China, the last line of defense of the emperor was a small dog of the breed Pekingese: she hid in her sleeve and in case of danger jumped out and rushed at the enemy.(Lol. really?)
#3.If your dog smells of chips, it does not mean that she ate your stash, do not rush to scold her. There is such a phenomenon "Frito Feet", when due to accumulated bacteria on the feet they can smell like corn chips. The reason - non-compliance with hygiene rules after a walk.
#4. "Always go dry out of the water" - these words can be fully attributed to Newfoundland dogs that do not get wet in water, and thanks to webbed feet are excellent swimmers.
#5. According to the code of laws of the 14th century, "Justice of the Metropolitan", in Ancient Russia the dog was valued as one ox, 3 horses or a herd of sheep.
I can add that you should not kiss a dog on the face because that represent an act of submission.
I beg to differ. My dog loves hugs. She wants to more than I do
Thats because your dog love you :)
Thanks for the info. With respect to hugs and kisses, it seems some like it and some NOT: point in question can be seen in this video of a dog trainer getting "nipped":