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RE: My Super Cute Dog!

in #dogs8 years ago

That's awesome!

I'm disabled and boycotting civilization and have the tendency to get really depressed when I'm not making forward progress and all it takes to break the funk is to look over at Rollie. He's saved my life a few times already and I've only had him for about a month. I had a 13 year old pitbull and a 14 year old Sharpei lab that were my best buddies but the pitbull, Jebus, lost his little mind last year and had to be put down and the Sharpei/lab Wilbur made it until January 2 2016 when he passed peacefully in his sleep. I've learned that domestication is not a good thing over the years and swore that I wouldn't get another dog, but after being dogless for 6 months and seeing that Rollie needed a home, I just had to be there for him and it was the best decision I ever made. I won't breed more domestic animals but if I can help the ones that are already here, I'm happy to do it.

Here's a video of Wilbur and Jebus running around back in Nov '14:


Awesome! Dogs prancing with their ears flopping reminds me of my beloved cockapoo Caspian.