Very well written !tip 2
I am a vet myself and unfortunately its true that visiting a vet to diagnose cases of lost appetite is not always an affordable option for pet owners. Loss of appetite is one of the very common early symptoms of many pathological conditions that require further investigation and lab tests until you reach any final conclusions.
Observing our pets daily routine is rather important, as it may help us identify the actual cause of their lost appetite, in the first place. A significant piece of information, even for a vet that could limit the number of tests needed, speed up the diagnoses process and subsequently reduce the cost of the examination.
Many vets nowadays use telemedicine for preliminary diagnoses in order to identify the urgency of the incident and the magnitude of the problem. They can even provide a treatment plan, for cases that they can draw safe conclusions through a remote diagnoses. Telemedicine is a service offered at much more affordable rates than walking in a veterinary clinic. An option for pet owners to consider, if they feel uncertain of how to handle a case of lost appetite and they want to avoid putting the health of their fur-babies at stake.
This is great that people are starting to do this. Thanks for the detailed information as well and for the reblog.
oh wow. I didn't know this. This is a fantastic development. Back when I had a dog in college I was faced with the fact that if i went to the doc at all, it was going to cost me around $100 only to be told there was nothing wrong with the dog. If this can be a lot less expensive it would be a very welcome development for me. I hope they do it for humans too.
They idea of telemedicine in vet clinics initially started from human clinics and doctors and is evolving day by day. In my clinic for instance all of the pet owners have access to their pets' records through an android app and through the same app they can send us messages with attachments such as photos and videos.
I know that prices differ significantly from place to place but telemedicine should always be a much more affordable option for pet owners. By providing more affordable services for pre-diagnoses and even for dealing with simple cases, could allow more pet owners with a lower budget to seek for professional medical advise so their pets can eventually have a better health care overall.