There are many studies of this suspicion. Can a dog smell, for example, that we are about to have an epilepsy attack? Or is it going to lower our sugar level? It may surprise you, but it seems to be that way. Our beloved pets are raised once again like those great friends who at any moment, can save our lives.
Let's look at some of the diseases that dogs can detect:
Narcolepsy is sleep sickness. It suffers a small part of the population, and occurs in people who, when suffering or experiencing an emotion, instantly fall asleep. The Institute for the Investigation of Sleep Disorders tells us that the patients who suffer from it have a special smell. Surprisingly enough, it has been proven that police trained dogs for detecting narcotics are the first to identify when a person is about to suffer a narcolepsy attack.
Chlostridium difficile
A strange name for a type of bacteria capable of causing us a serious infection, with important diarrhea capable of leaving us dehydrated. Sometimes it leads to important states of colitis. A whole problem. Well you will be surprised to learn that a doctor heard a Dutch nurse make a comment on the special smell of diarrhea of patients affected by Chlostridium difficile, They instantly thought about a going. If people detected it, dogs would do it earlier, they could even identify it when people were breeding the disease. So it was. The dogs found 30 positive cases among 270 people. They matched 265 cases. Amazing!
In Spain, dogs are being trained to detect when a person is going to suffer a hypoglycemia attack. This is the foundation Bocalán , getting great results. The dogs detect the moment in which the person suffers this descent, thus avoiding the collapse. Dogs bark, kick with paws or seek help from adults in the case of children. But how do they do it? You will ask yourself. The smell of sweat is the alarm signal for them.
The State University of Louisiana , USA, develops a great amount of studies in this respect. It is known, for example, that only 15% of dogs have this wonderful ability, and that yes, when they identify animals that can get to know when a person is about to suffer an attack, they hit 80%. They are magnificent for example to live with children, to help them and above all, in addition to preventing, know very well how to help people and ask for help if necessary.
So it seems that the incredible value of our beloved pets is more than proven. Not only do they know for example when we are sad or low in spirit, they can also "smell" our illnesses, so many of them are trained to help us. Simply magnificent.
Our latest dilemma Cancer can also be detected by our beloved canine friends. Good article and subject! Followed! Please follow @phat32 :)
Good point. Dogs can smell everything!