Dogs can smell more than we imagine

in #dogs6 years ago

We all know that dogs are more capable of sniffing than we do, according to the study dogs are capable of recognizing up to 10,000 times as much odor as we do. Also, they can detect odors from people who are having a change in their body or are infected with the disease that we can not usually know.

Today I have some fun information about the dogs so that brothers have more fun if they are raising and have more motivation to adopt a child when conditions are available.
Know the change in blood sugar: Your dog will smell it through the sweat you secreted. When they detect that your sweat is not normal they will show signs of inhibition and will find ways to get your attention. For people with diabetes, having a dog will help them detect their blood glucose levels well before using test equipment.

Cancer: According to research, dogs can smell cancer cells because they release a particular protein. They can detect lung cancer through bladder or bladder cancer through the urine. At overseas clinics you may be able to meet a few dogs there, in addition to relieving the spirit of the patient they have another task to smell cancer. This inhaled sniffing technique is also considered an effective tool for early cancer screening

Epilepsy: The scientists also confirmed that dogs can sniff the epilepsy before it lasts up to 45 minutes. When it detects this, it seeks to draw attention to the copy, as naturally barking and running around the master. If you have a seizure and fall to the ground, the dog will usually sit next to you for protection

Gourd: Thanks to their special breathing ability, they will also detect hormonal changes as well as a variety of other changes. In addition to smelling the new odors they rely on the ability to observe to know how the move of the pregnant woman is different than how it was not pregnant.

Identification: Dogs use the olfactory bulb to identify each person's smell, not their vision. They can recognize the smell of a person even when he or she uses perfume to cover the body odor. There are dogs who are trained to identify who is the brother of the identical twins, which for humans is almost a puzzle if they do not know the person for a while. long time


"Fighting jealousy" with other dogs: When you go out and play with another dog, it is determined that when you go home, your dog will sniff it all by sniffing it. The smell of another dog clinging to you. And with the "jealous" dogs, you also prepare to be angry with him for a while: D

Natural Disasters: Based on a superior sense of smell, dogs can sniff out the change in the air before a storm, for example, with other mechanisms in their bodies that will help them detect changes. in geology, especially in earthquake zones. This is common in animals and will be a very clear suggestion whenever disaster strikes.

In addition to the abilities in dogs so far has always been regarded as a bodyguard, faithful friend of man in many situations. So if you do not like animals then say no, and if you can raise the dog, I still encourage a dog, just pay attention to the cleaning and muzzling when the road is okay.