Now I can't take credit for this piece of article that was written but it really touched me when I saw it. Whether you're a dog lover or not, no living creature should be treated like this.
I am a proud owner of 6 dogs (yes, you read right...SIX) and I treat each one of them like my own children. To do this to one of them would break my heart into a million pieces (and then some more).
Read this article and tell me your thoughts on this:
Are you angry? Are you heartbroken? I sure am!!!
Even though this is a fictional post I can imagine that it is not far from the truth as to how these animals really feel. The excitement my dogs get when I leave the house and come back 5 minutes later after I forgot my wallet at home makes me believe in this story. Many dogs are treated like this and it's sickening.
Dogs are not accessories for your backyard. They are either a part of your family or not. And if NOT then don't get one. Simple.
What are your thoughts? Plus, how many furry children do you have, what are they and what are their names? I would love to know :-)