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RE: A Day With A Lineman #32 ~ Hit and Run ~

in #doinwork6 years ago

today I had a conversation with my friend about burning out in job or depression caused by the bad conditions or boring job. It's unbelievable how passionate are you about your work. The quantity and quality of the photos, gifs and detailed long story is very impressive ! also writing a blog about ourselves jobs is way much better than dropping a thousands of boring stories about working place and co-workers for our closest friends who actually perhaps might don't care. online is different, there is always somebody for you online. great idea, man


When I first got introduced to the High Voltage Lineman Trade I was told this...”You will either love it or hate it....and if you are in between you will either kill someone or kill yourself” Us Lineman are a different breed of people...well this is what I have been told anyway.

Being lucky enough to have a career that I enjoy going to everyday is indeed a blessing.

Not many people know what a Lineman is let alone the things we encounter when trying to restore power. I hope to give people a better understanding and idea of what goes on.
Thanks for stopping by

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