I think organizing is a great idea. Peoples voices should be heard. Unfortunately for me, I'm not a dolphin. Maybe one day I will be though. I have a long way to go. I dont even think I'm a minnow yet hahaha. How does one find out what category they are in?
Posted using Partiko Android
Looks like you are a minnow my friend, or I think so, over 400sp?
Oh ok, cool. I dont know what the thresholds are so I had no idea. Thanks for the info :)
Posted using Partiko Android
It's weird, I think they intended the ranks to be a bit more easily achieved when they built the system, I think people could potentially be somewhere in between plankton and minnow for years if they don't invest or get a few dolpines or such to auto-vote them or start hustling with bid-bots, etc...
Yeah you are probably right
Posted using Partiko Android
Well it is what it is...
I am following you now my minnow friend... =)@leaky20
Yeah same :)
Posted using Partiko Android