LoL I wouldn't want to hold the keys. We are looking at multisig to control any central account.
The key differences (no pun intended 😋) is that there is no compulsion. People are free to join and leave and rejoin.
My concern is that we currently have people swimming all over the place and just by taking up this exercise I have made some great connections. Even if we could act as some form of umbrella group that wrote reports on key changes we wanted from witnesses on the next hard fork, that would be progress in my view.
As much as I like liquid democracy and other more forward thinking ideas, we do need some structure and direction to get this moving. I would much rather be part of a small effective group than one where everyone gives ideas but nothing gets done.
As much as we are moving to a new paradigm, to throw out everything we humans have learnt about cooperation and the need for some structure would be a mistake in my view.
If someone is on steem, they are already part of a lose collective. I have seen that turn into a farce over the last year, which is why I thought about this project.
Thanks for your input. Feel free to propose any changes, as I have said from the outset, I want this to be a collaborative project.