I applaud you for taking on such a huge topic! Your preview image is a great one! I loved it. Your layout and post flow are coming along. You've gotten a decent start on payouts here as well. Now for the critique. First, today's assignment was to pitch an offer to your audience, something big, something you would do for them. I don't find that here. Your topic is much more important than this challenge, however, the assignment was not completely fulfilled. Next, I think you should consider changing your title to match that preview image, Illiteracy is a Life Sentence is much more compelling than this one word on its own. Finally, your writing confused me. Let me say, you're incredible for writing in English as as second language at all. But, if you're going to tackle literacy, your readers will notice your grammar and some who could give large upvotes, won't. First, your opening paragraph has enough errors to make it hard to understand. Then, I wonder, can you more closely define the area that has over 60% illiteracy? The worldwide level is less than half of that, according to these statistics. http://www-01.sil.org/literacy/LitFacts.htm You've created a beautiful post that is getting some good attention! You should be proud of that. Correcting these small issues may pay off in a big way! Thanks again for joining dolphinschool!
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Okay. I will work on that and improve further on my next post