I’ve been watching hours and hours of footage from the Depp/Heard defamation trial and all I can say is that you only care when it’s someone famous.
My ex was exactly like this. She would hit me, scream at me, bite me…my arms are covered in scars from her scratching me while I drove. When we would get in the car and she walked to the back seat I knew she was planning on attacking me. She liked to try to choke me while we drove. She began it after the first kid was born…it was like as soon as she was pregnant she flipped the switch. From the day she thought I couldn’t leave her to the day I left was 11 years of being attacked daily. Nearly 16 years total of crazy tantrums, and the last 11 we’re physical and mental abuse. She didn’t even care if her meltdowns were in public because in Wisconsin if a woman does something the man goes to jail.
One night I was playing a game on my phone in bed (world of warships) and she tried to order me to stop and go to sleep. I kept playing so she hit me in the head so hard with an alarm clock that I lost a lot of hearing in my right ear and it’s been ringing ever since. The next day a neighbor told me I was bleeding from my ear and she laughed and mocked me. Between January and May 2019 she sometimes used makeup to make herself look bruised when we would go out and told me that if I left her she would go to the police and say I hit her. (When I left she spread lies that I beat her. The whole town started talking about how I allegedly beat her. The neighbors knew the truth but never spoke up. Not once.
From the makeup and threats she got worse daily. And to top it off she was cheating the whole time. I took a day off from work and followed her in a coworkers car and watched her go to three mens houses, and the second one she snuck out the back door when his wife came home. I told her I knew she was cheating and even showed her the addresses and she tried twisting it against me. She started trying to burst through the bathroom door and searching me for my phone and saying stuff like I was “texting sluts.” She would even walk past my ringing phone to try to search me for my phone. I found searches on the computer on how to root my phone and install hidden tracking software. I came home from work to find two AncestryDNA kits on the table. One for me and one for the oldest daughter…we have two kids. She said it was because she was “curious” what i am. (I’m Cuban, and she never apparently noticed my skin tone, that all my friends are Latino and that I speak decent Spanish) I asked why not 4 kits and why only me and daughter #1 and she began to accuse me of cheating and threatened to call 911 and say I beat her to get me to be quiet. From that day on she used that tactic in public to justify her massive tantrums and more than once got me attacked, once in Chipotle’s because she thought a woman was more attractive than her and cut in line and I refused to physically fight a woman. We sat down next to a table of police officers and she turned it all the way up and when they didn’t arrest me she told that woman’s husband in the parking lot that she passed me something. My current relationship suffers because I am always defensive and insecure because of the physical abuse and cheating I endured for almost half my life. In all that time I never hit my ex back. I tried escaping her once by walking away and she chased me and tripped over her sandal and fell and told people I threw her on the ground.
There is a lot more like her openly being in groups discussing how to abuse men, searches for “CIA black site interrogation tactics” (weeks of her sleeping through the day then waiting for me to fall asleep and wake me up by screaming in my face, hitting me, pouring water on me, shining a 400 lumen light in my face, covering my mouth and nose, even trying to waterboard me as I lay in bed. But I think Johnny had it easy. He only lost a fingertip. He still has his money, way of life, a high paying job and friends and family. I lost all of that. My reputation is ruined and my current relationship is sometimes unsteady because I am afraid that the only woman who has never mistreated me will do the same as the others. There’s millions of men with much worse outcomes. How many innocent men were killed by police or died in prison because of an abusive woman?
This isn’t a feminism issue. It’s a white supremacy issue. It’s white women who do this. They’re raised to think they’re infallible and perpetual victims. They live largely consequence free. They can even walk into a neighbors apartment and murder them and claim to have thought it was their own, and get caught lying throughout and STILL get a slap on the wrist! White society keeps the image of innocence going and foments the stereotype that men cannot be victims. It is even seen as funny when men are abused. But god forbid a man raised his hand back…the system is designed to create male victims of violence and punish us regardless of whether we do or do not defend ourselves. We cannot hit back or even restrain them because we will spend our lives in prison, unemployed and lose our civil rights. We become defacto felons for trying to stay in our children’s lives. It is always guilty unless proven innocent, and good luck explaining yourself to someone who refuses to listen and has already decided that because of your gender that you are guilty.
If Johnny Depp ever hit her I couldn’t see it anything but self defense. Your support of him is nice for him but largely irrelevant. The judge will decide what she wants and the judge is a white woman. I don’t see this working out well for him. I would know…I lost years of my life because of a woman deciding to have temper tantrums. One judge told me she was “doing me a favor” by finding me guilty, even after seeing me covered in still bleeding scars and my ex smirking. I got tased because my ex kept walking over and touching me in court while I was in custody. It was her way of telling me she owned me, and the cops were nothing but happy to oblige. I know what the reality is because I’ve lived it.
So in summation, fuck you and fuck your empty words. You don’t mean it. You’re just kissing his ass because he’s famous. You don’t actually support him and you don’t care if nothing ever changes. You’re just here for social status points.
The JD court case makes me think of this one line from a Scroobius Pip song all about Johnny. It's called The Struggle and the line in question is "If you caught me red handed you'd probably think it's sigmata." Amusingly this song released the same year that JD and AT got together.
FWIW I am on team Johnny and I do hope that domestic abuse against men starts to get more light. Same with suicide in men, depression, etc. Where I am there's studies on why young women of this region commit suicide at alarming rates, but no study on why the men of this region are dying more often by it.... We "woked" the wheel so hard to the left we're not even on the road anymore. We're in the ditch and headed for a bog!
P.S. That subtle way you said to network "I associate thoughts of you with shit coming out of my ass" was so fucking funny I spent a good 5 minutes chuckling about that as I made my coffee.
The same crowd that doesn’t want stereotypes thrown onto women is the crowd that openly says it’s not abuse when it happens to men and implies that women are weaker and therefore the man is unable to be abused. Just because I can throw my ex across the room doesn’t mean that I will and it doesn’t mean that it makes it okay for her to do what she does. When someone is so toxic that it causes their partner to begin vomiting upon seeing them you know something is very wrong. I think Amber Heard is a very tame version of what is becoming increasingly common.
I assume you’ve noticed the vast taxpayer resources available to women in the event their relationship doesn’t work out and the lack of anything but contempt for a man who doesn’t choose to stay and tolerate cruel and inhumane treatment. It’s the same the world over. It will never change.
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