No Excuse.


I can't hear your excuse over your deed
No amount of words can excuse your plead
You are sowing to the future a bad seed
It doesn't matter if you buy her the best bead
Since hitting her is all you ever, to her, feed
Listen to the voice of caution and heed

You should be a husband, father, and her lead
Love, respect and not punch, is all she need
Men who hit women are just like a weed
You have no excuse, but be a man and read
(About great men who "man" their homes without lifting a finger)
Say no to domestic violence
It should be frowned at, with no tolerance

Even if that woman exhausts your patience
You are the man, you should strike a balance
You have no excuse to hit her at any cost
When you do, every sense of respect, that moment you already lost
Since you always fail to control your anger
You are just a letter short of being in danger.

Whether you are a lady who abuse her husband, or a husband, who abuse his wife. You have no excuse. You can be better than this. Speak to your inner mind. Seek for peace within. Be better!Say no to domestic violence. #familyprotection should be our utmost priority.

Thank you for reading.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Yeah, abuse goes both ways... Women who abuse (verbally or physically) their husband should change.

Ofcourse. They all need to change.

Hiting a woman is not just wrong, its also really demonic. Its true many women run their mouth anyhow, but a matured man will realize that a woman will always be a woman. The day any man starts to hit a woman, he starts to officially reduce to being a boy. Thanks for this lovely piece @olawalium

Totally wrong and degrading. Really embarrassing. I have heard of women doing that to men too, and i was totally and equally shocked my dear. Being in control is key. Thanks darling.

Gosh, i have heard stories of domestic violence and it is really awful, how can some one who claim to love you, hurt you?

Absolutely awful. I wonder where it all went wrong, that love suddenly turn into hate. The truth is, there are warning signs, we just sometimes choose to ignore it. Thanks dear.

The love of God in you is the only solution to domestic violence. It will take a man or woman that knows God to truly have and give true love which can only be find in God. With true love, no domestic violence.

Thank you for this perspective. With the spirit of God, and having love for God, such habit would die.

Thanks @olawalium for this wonderful piece i have always known that u will be a good husband. Thanks for reminding those in the act. I stand against domestic violence.

My adorable cutie. Your kind words melt me. Thanks dear. Yes, i stand against it too.

This is one of our societal ills.. Thanks for reminding men that it is never right to hit a woman. I hope more families instill these in their sons..

Thanks my dear. We always say, we want to leave a better world for our children, why can't we then leave better children for our world, because with better children, they can recreate the world we desire. With more family values and love, this should fizzle out. Yes, I hope and pray, more families instill this too. It would make things easier and better.
Thank you adorable.

There is no excuse for hitting a woman.
Women should have no excuse either.
