Donald Marshall explains the different types of clones

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago (edited)

We already covered in an extensive way the original confession from Donald Marshall, the last segment can be found here.

Today, the subject discussed will be the types of clones according to Marshall.

In his book "Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, FULL DISCLOSURE" Marshall covers a lot of subjects in a more comprehensive way compared with his confession.

At one point in his books he explains that not all clones are the same:

There are currently five different types of clones, concealed from public knowledge. There are Mark 1 clones; Mark 2 Clones; Mark 3 Clones; and Mark 4 clones and reanimated clones. Moreover, there are two types of cloning techniques: duplication cloning and replication cloning.

If the simple fact that these organizations are able to clone people in order to commit all sort of abuses in them is not enough, then knowing there are actually not 1 but 5 types of clones must be overwhelming for a lot of people.

But it could make sense because cloning as a process must not be something easy, since cloning in humans is officially non existing we can't know right now exactly how this is being done, nevertheless, it is reasonable to expect this type of process to improve with time, and eventually achieve better techniques with better results.

So having different types of clones, even if it might sound shocking, is something we could have expected after having read the original confession and its analysis.

Mark 1 clones are REM sleep driven clones. However, the technology used for Mark 1 clones causes many side effects and therefore Mark 1 REM sleep driven clones are no longer a preferred choice.

This type of clone is probably the first one they managed to develop, and hence, the most primitive one. Marshall describes them as sleep drive clones, so my opinion is that these beings aren't totally conscious when making their decisions, which could be perfect because it would make it so much easier to implant ideas into them, and make them act according to those ideas, no matter what they are, like a kind of zombie army following an agenda they are not even aware of.

Nevertheless, there were issues with these type of clones, which again, is completely reasonable given the fact this was the first version, and the cloning process would inevitable get better over time. No question about it.

Mark 2 clones are also REM sleep driven clones. Mark 2 clones have fewer side effects than Mark 1 clones, and therefore Mark 2 clones are currently the preferred method for REM sleep driven clones

The improved version of the Mark 2 clones, again, these beings since they are sleep driven are probably not aware of many of they actions they take. They are practically the same as the first version, with the only difference being the fact that now they have no side effect and can operate without issues. I am sure this type of clone is the perfect slave for these organizations, functioning properly, following orders and not having problems with anything that is happening.

Mark 3 clones are independent clones which operate on microchip containing the entire consciousness of an individual

Now we are getting into the advanced clone versions.

These type of clone is practically the same as any human, having its own personality, tastes, fear, among other typical characteristic we all humans have. It would be very difficult to tell apart a regular human from a Mark 3 clone because they are designed to look and be exactly the same.

Achieving the proper technology to develop a clone like this must have been very difficult, because putting a conscious inside a chip is something that even if I believe was possible, for people outside those circles it would have taken several decades and even centuries to achieve. And yet, Marshall is informing that these secret organizations already have this technology, and they have been using it for years, hidden from the public knowledge.

There is a famous movie that has been mentioned several times, its called The Island, and in the movie there was a company creating clones in a sort of secret bunker, and they used those clones to replace damaged organs from the original human being who was always a wealthy person. Of course, no one knew the organs were coming from a conscious clone, and they had a bunch of them living in a hidden place, without the world being aware of it.

One difference is that the clones in the movie were treated nicely (unlike the real clones Marshall speak of, because they are tortured), until it was time to take away their organs and they became very cruel and harsh towards them.

In case you haven't seen the movie, here is the all famous trailer:

Mark 4 clones are also independent clones, operating on a microchip which contains the entire consciousness of an individual and is an advanced version of a Mark 3 clone.

With time, they once again improved their cloning procedure and developed a new version of a conscious clone. But just as with Mark 1 and Mark 2 clones, Mark 3 and 4 are very similar and basically the same. Like when there is a release of a new smartphone, most of the time it is basically the same, with little improvements here and there.

These independent clones (Mark 3 and Mark 4) have a lifespan of 6 months to 12 months and require adjustments after this period to run efficiently once more. Without these adjustments, their functionality weakens.

Since these beings are artificial creations, they can malfunction from time to time. Marshall informs that these beings might have issues in their functioning after quite some time.

Perhaps simulating an entire organism as complex as ours is not that easy after all, but either way, they surely have no problem doing those regular monitoring to check if the clone is all right or if instead it has some kind of issue.

I bet that they have the technology required to fix any kind of issue they might have with their clones, after all, they are the only ones in the world capable of doing human cloning, as fa as I am concerned.

To “reanimate” means “to restore to life; resuscitate; revive”. Consequently, reanimated clones are clones which are genetically identical to that of a person who once lived.

There have always been theories about famous people being cloned because the original one died. Perhaps this could explain how so many famous people are so much similar to individuals from the past:

Justin Timberlake and a criminal from the past
Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat

Queen Latifah and Zora Neale Hurston
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Carril

Since the elite has always been involved in these activities, it is possible that some of its members are clones as well.

That could explain the weird behavior they have sometimes, perhaps it is because they are a clone who is malfunctioning and is in need of its adjustment. For example, these celebrities don't look normal at all:

Look for example Eminem at 30s, he is not acting normal at all. Maybe that is the malfunction Marshall was mentioning

It is like if their thought process was interrupted or stopped. Really weird.

Thanks for reading folks! And we will hopefully continue to cover more controversial information on our journey to disclose what could be considered as secret knowledge.

You can check the related articles by clicking the following images

Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 11
Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 12:
Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 13

As a way of promoting the Steem platform, this article (its link) was shared on reddit

Do you really think the Vrill are real though?

Donald Marshall has a fun story, it's very entertaining.
Yet, he doesn't offer up any proof. How did you get to
the point where you decided to simply believe in him,
despite the staggering lack of evidence for his claims?

Is it an active decision that you decide
to make, or does the belief choose you?

I have read a lot of things about the Vrill, I don't really know if they are real or not. But the thought is certainly scary.

Yet, he doesn't offer up any proof

This is true, although it could be said that given the fact Marshall has practically no power compared with them, it is almost impossible for him to get some proof. But it is undeniable the fact that there are weird things going on.

In Hollywood there is a pedophiles ring, confirmed by Elijah Wood. There was the pizzagate scandal with a bunch of data that left a lot of food for thought. There are famous people acting in ways that cannot be explained...

Yeah I think that pedophile rings exist, and famous people act weird sometimes. I'm also pretty sure that cloning isn't beyond our reach either. But I think if someone cloned themselves, they'd just end up having a twin. The clone/twin would still need to be raised up and educated and all of that. Marshall goes into the really bizarre and unprovable stuff when he starts talking of consciousness hijacking and alien creatures. Sometimes I wonder if half of Marshall's stories will be used in the future to try and debunk pedogate. By strongly associating pedophile rings with alien beings, could one day in the future be used by the mainstream media to attempt to completely debunk the notion of pedophile rings and satanic ritual abuse.

could one day in the future be used by the mainstream media to attempt to completely debunk the notion of pedophile rings and satanic ritual abuse.

They will surely find a way to hide the information or manipulate it somehow.

By strongly associating pedophile rings with alien beings

Well, so far I have only seen Marshall doing this, I don't think this is very common.

I seen the beginning of a flat earther interview the other day. Some guy was just trying to figure out why this other guy believed in flat earth theory. In the first 50 seconds of the interview, the flat earth proponent said “It all started with 9/11”.

So you can imagine, the type of effect that might have on a younger person who wasn’t old enough to pay attention to the details surrounding 9/11 when it was happening.

In their mind if they are unfamiliar with 9/11 they might group-it-with flat earth theory, and decide to simply not look into 9/11 or conclude that alternative theories about 9/11, are conspiracy theories, as the term is used in the derogatory sense.

In their attempt to discredit one idea, the media are master manipulators when it comes to associating two topics that aren’t necessarily related. Pizzagate for example, it started on solid ground considering the real questions that should have been pondered were the contents of the hacked emails from HRC.

Yet, by the time the media got involved they reframed the story entirely to be solely about that one pizza joint. They would rarely if ever, mention to the emails.

They hijacked the entire story and morphed it into "conspiracy theory". Regardless if the pizza shop thing was true or not, you can bet when the media was reframing it to be only about the pizza shop, the crime scene if there was one at that place would have been wiped way in advance.

I think when they attempt a take down of someone that the TPTB cannot lose for fear that others will start talking. You'll see a concerted attempt of the media to focus on people like Donald Marshall, and people who believe in his claims. It would be a way of trying to derail the story in the court of public opinion.

B.o.b and Tila Tequila corroborated Donald's info and then went Flat Earth would think the cloning and Vrill lizards would be just as entertaining and easy to ridicule but nobody touched that stuff with a 10-foot pole, they make fun of David Icke plenty.......And there are bones of these creature on display in Japan.

Side note: I talked to D.C. Police Pizzagate is real Daniel Godin, Sarah Hoffman, Marcus Stevens, Chanel Dickerson all know about it....and aren't going to do anything

You are kind of proving my point, Imagine this as a header for a television news story. The setup is that a famous politician is being indicted on some heinous shit. So the news is having some guests on to talk about it.

vrill that can create slave drones for the queen.John Smith says #pedogate and satanic ritual abuse is real. Among his other odd beliefs is that the Queen of England is running a secret deep underground military cloning station, where celebrities are cloned and forced to fight to the death, or get fucked to death by the rich elite, if they aren't first mindjacked by proboscis having

I can guarantee you whoever listens to that is going to completely dismiss the original claim about pedogate, after they learn about what else you believe but cannot possibly prove.

These are fun theories to entertain within the realm of hypotheticals. However, when you start talking about it factually without any solid proof. People simply won't take you seriously.

Its Duplication body grown in around 5 months. It is provable ask your local politicians about it, see what they say. This is a project to do all the things Donald talks about. Also the show Altered Carbon set in the distant future involves all this technology.

Here's an ad for the show...How do they get these things to breathe?

Aaaand lastly check out this video.....

Ask yourself would Mao and Stalin accept death or put their scientists on the task of making them immortal?

I've watched altered carbon, the whole season.
It's great Science Fiction! I'm not saying they are
not trying. Just saying that Donald Marshall's claims
of consciousness hijacking and vrill are unbelievable 2 me.

I definitely would not ask my local politicians, as I do
not want an all expense paid trip to the funny farm.

My guess would be that-that big ass cord they are
feeding into the doll's mouth, is how it "breathes".

Couldn't you find a better match for Justin?

Haha why do you ask?

Idk. He seems like a cry baby. When seeing this, he won't get on his feet for days

what is "normal"

As in normal behavior ?