Donald Marshall’s info about Adele, Justin Beiber and Kanye West

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago (edited)



Today, we are going to explore what Donald Marshall has to say about 3 particular celebrities. So far, we have covered 3 famous politicians and 3 celebrities that are all involved in the cloning center activities.

Actors, singers, producers are all participants in what takes place in the cloning center, it doesn’t matter if they are old or young, men or women, it doesn’t matter their religions or their nationality. It seems like if working on Hollywood came with the “perk” of being a participant in that place.

So, by using the same book we have been quoting in the previous segments, which is this one: Public Figures and their Relationship with Donald Marshall as REM Driven Clone, we will learn more about the secrets of these famous people.

Donald Marshall’s info about Adele

Adele has performed many songs I have made as a REM driven clone version of myself from the cloning center through the process of consciousness transfer from my original body to my duplicate REM driven clone

We find ourselves with the exact same situation that was already reporting regarding Madonna and Britney Spears. Marshall informed that these people love to exploit his unique ability to create beautiful songs and appropriate them without rewarding Marshall for his work, sort of like a master-slave relationship, because Marshall obviously forced to do this.

And now we also discover Adele is yet another artist doing the same, taking advantage of her privileged position to gain benefits from his talent.

The song “Someone Like You” (AdeleVEVO 2011) was sang and free-styled by Donald Marshall … when Donald Marshall felt extremely saddened by the fact that as REM driven clone versions of themselves activated by the Illuminati as REM driven clones, the conspiracy theorists Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele, who host a TV radio talk show, decided to join the Illuminati in exchange for fame and fortune, rather than to help Donald Marshall expose the Illuminati’s REM driven human cloning subculture, and as a result of their decision, Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele betrayed Donald Marshall and humanity.

We already knew Marshall was betrayed by her mother when he was little, but as we can see, Marshall’s life is full is betrayal and people refusing to offer him the help he needs.

This time, we discover the fact that the power of the Illuminati to seduce people is apparently limitless, Marshall’s specifically mentions 2 conspiracy theorist whose job should be to alert the world of the secret activities of these organizations and the risk they represent to the world. And of course, helping Marshall would have been a golden opportunity for them to prove the world these conspiracies are real, but their willpower wasn’t as strong as what was hoped, and in the end, they simply decided to join the Illuminate and enjoy the benefits of these unforgivable betrayal.

If karma is real, then these 2 conspiracy theorists surely have a great debt with it. Because getting rid of their morals for material benefit is one of the worst things a person could do.

After conspiracy theorists Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele had betrayed Donald Marshall while each individual was experiencing life as REM driven human clone versions of themselves at the cloning center, Jane Steele tried consoling Donald Marshall by insisting: “Donny, I wish NOTHING but the best for you...” However, Donald Marshall was extremely saddened and inconsolable for many minutes on end... and then out of nowhere... Donald Marshall responded to Jane Steele’s above comment by declaring at the top of his lungs: “NEVER MIND, I’LL FIND SOMEONE LIKE YOUUUUU, I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR YOUUUUU, TOOOO, DONT FORGET ME I BEG, I’LL REMEMBER YOU SAID SOMETIMES IT LASTS IN LOVE, BUT SOMETIMES IT HURTS INSTEEAAAAD” (AdeleVEVO 2011).

In my opinion, I am not totally sure Adele was really sorry for Marshall. In the previous article we discovered with Beyonce that she was just pretending to not like the cloning center, because she thought it was coming to an end. So having that in mind, perhaps Adele was also being fake towards Marshall while trying to pose as a good person. After all, we have already explored several examples where Marshall says these people like to trick and deceive others, it is in their nature.

-and this is how the song “Someone Like You” (AdeleVEVO 2011) originated... The song “Someone Like You” (AdeleVEVO 2011) later performed by the singer Adele, originated from the betrayal of Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele, as REM driven clone versions of themselves, towards Donald Marshall at the cloning center, for which the song “Someone Like You” (AdeleVEVO 2011) was originally free-styled from start to finish by very solemn and grief-stricken Donald Marshall.

As we know, Marshall has an exceptional skill when expressing his emotions through music, and the impact caused by these betrayal was so much, that he was able to create a incredible song because of it. A song that was later appropriated by Adela as mentioned before.

The song is this one with more than a billion views:


Donald Marshall’s info about Justin Bieber

I made all the songs Justin Bieber performs since the start of his career, I made all of Justin Bieber’s official and super-hit songs... Justin Bieber TRIED to be evil like the Illuminati REM driven clones, when he was activated as a REM driven clone version of himself at the cloning center. Justin Bieber hurt me a little but then he said he felt like a coward for hurting me as a REM driven clone, and that he would not participate in harming me.

As we know, Justin Beiber became famous when he was very young, so it is not surprising to realize he wasn’t comfortable torturing an innocent man that also happens to have a unique ability to produce great music content.

So probably just for fitting in, Bieber tried to attack Marshall, but eventually he realized abusing others is not something that he is comfortable doing, and luckily for Marshall he stop receiving abuse from Bieber, but that didn’t stop Bieber to practically steal Marshall’s songs and getting rich thanks to them.

Phil Reece on the other hand, who is a Commissionaire (doorman in uniform) for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (C.S.I.S), was always looking for an excuse to talk and be seen at the cloning center whenever Phil Reece was activated as a REM driven clone version of himself. Consequently, when Justin Bieber as a REM driven clone said “He did not want to harm me, and would not participate...” during that moment, Phil Reece jumped over the hockey boards in the arena and ran at me in haste, as if I was going to get away, however, I was chained to the same black wooden cross which the Illuminati REM driven clones have chained me to, multiple times, when they wish to torture me, therefore I wasn’t going to escape in any direction.

Marshall already informed in one of his other books, that the Canadian intelligence is totally involved with the cloning center activities. And these are so obsessed about abusing the clone victims, that they put these victims chained to cross in a perverse way of exposing them as vulnerable being incapable of defending themselves, and therefore, a “perfect” victim for the sadist people attending these activities.

Justin Bieber as a REM driven clone version of himself had to jump out of the way, as a REM driven clone version of Phil Reece dashed towards me, and proceeded to hammer (punch) me in the face repeatedly... until Phil Reecegot tired in his efforts and was out of breath... Although Justin Bieber does not participate in harming me, Justin Bieber still basically sold his soul to “the cloners” [the Illuminati] and Justin Bieber has given permission for the Illuminati to transfer his consciousness to his REM driven clone duplicate, whenever Justin Bieber’s original body sleeps, and enters REM sleep... just like the other celebrities have given the Illuminati permission to transfer their consciousnesses to their REM driven clone duplicate alternatives whenever their original bodies sleep, and enter REM sleep... Justin Bieber, however, is not as bad as most of the other celebrities who attend the cloning center as REM driven clone versions of themselves.

As we could have imagined by now, Bieber is not a cruel sadist like the older people attending this place. Perhaps because of his age, or because he has a real sense of compassion towards others, whatever the reason we should hope Beiber stays the same regarding his non existent abuse towards the victims of the cloning center.


Donald Marshall’s info about Kanye West

Reading what Marshall has to say about Kanye West, most of it is the exact same thing he say about Beyonce that was already covered in the previous article. Nevertheless, he mentions this:

I made the song “Heartless” (KanyeWestVEVO 2009) which Kanye West performs. I have made many, many songs as a REM driven human clone version of myself for which Kanye West performs. I sang the song “Heartless” (KanyeWestVEVO 2009) as a REM driven human clone, activated unwillingly at the cloning center to the royal putrid hag Queen Elizabeth II

If you are wondering which is that song, the video is below:


The song “Heartless” (KanyeWestVEVO 2009) is about Donald Marshall’s time spent at the cloning center as an unwillingly participant in the Illuminati’s REM driven human cloning subculture, and how Marshall lost his “consciousness” to a woman so heartless; that woman is Queen Elizabeth II. It is the consciousness of a person which gets transferred to REM driven human clones during sleep, and not the soul which gets transferred to REM driven human clones; and the person who owns the above ground cloning center in western Canada is Queen Elizabeth II

It is very clear in my opinion that having so many horrible experiences in the cloning center, has surely affected Marshall mental well being, and he tried to express his frustrations and his pains by the creating songs everyone likes to hear. It can be seen as a kind of a therapy for Marshall, so instead of focusing in his horrible situation, he focus on his lyrics and rhymes. This must have allowed Marshall to keep going even when everything seemed so hopeless.

The song “Heartless” (KanyeWestVEVO 2009) is about Queen Elizabeth II, and the woman being referenced in the song is Queen Elizabeth II, and the role she plays in the Illuminati’s REM driven human cloning subculture. Simply listen to the song, read the lyrics

Marshall says these lyrics are all because of Queen Elizabeth who is the absolute leader of the organization that manages the cloning center.

> “In the night I hear ‘em talk >The coldest story ever told >somewhere far along this road >he lost his soul >to a woman so heartless [echoes 3x] >How could you be so heartless [echoes 3x] >Oh how could you be so heartless?”

Now, Marshall finishes his Kanye West segment with something a little bit funny

Furthermore, when we were activated as REM driven clone versions of ourselves at the cloning center Kanye West asked me for a gimmick... most celebrities I’ve interacted with usually ask for gimmicks [to make themselves stand out]... but I do my best to tell them dumb stuff, for them to incorporate as gimmicks [in their original bodies]... and these celebrities [usually] do it *laughter*. As a REM driven clone version of myself, I Kanye West at the cloning center to wear those nerdy sweaters as his gimmick *laughter*.

If you are wondering what are those nerdy sweater, you can see an example in the picture below:


In this article, we expanded our exploration of Donald Marshall claims, regarding the involvement of 3 celebrities in the activities of the cloning center.

The one who is the less cruel according to Marshall is Justin Bieber, and this might be because he is the younger one of all.

We will continue with this exploration of Marshall’s claims in the next article.


This topic is inexhaustible and very controversial, but you have been able to expose some facts here to me which is; if (2+2=4) definitely DM's predicament is a 2 while the lyrics is another 2 giving the fact that DM owned the song just that how can Adele prove the preoccupation of the song to us?
I put this question to everyone out there...@dedicatedguy

Looks like a bunch of MK Ultra mind controlled transsexuals. Why do millions of music fans idolize these talent-less puppets? Have any of those people actually listened to what these clowns sound like without computer aide? It's terrible!

Have any of those people actually listened to what these clowns sound like without computer aide?

Probably not. Although being aided by technology is the new normal I think.

Adele is probably the most talented singer ! Love her

Is there any proof of cloning centre??

"They" dont need to clone, millions of children missing each year...
Maybe D.M should check that out.

Is there any proof of cloning centre??

Nope, there is no proof.

while there is no proof, there is a body of convincing evidence, for example kanye west weird eye color, the media said he had permanatly done, i seached the internet and found only 1 such place and the web site was created in the weeks before. but now thats washed from the media.
eminiem, now he is a pathetic rapper, rapping about taking guns to prevent shootings, when before he sang about we as americans, and our right to bear arms.
david chappel, who exposed the lies and system in hollywood, whos dad taught him to decide when the price was too high, had made many millions with his show, and had no need to work, but now is back, looking diffrent/buff, and his comedy sucks too.
there is more, i belive there is something to this rumor. and why? money.


hey, i started my comment with "there is no proof"
but its not weird eminiem is now anti-gun?
and chappel went on a tv blitz talking about the industry and how he was done. but now hes back, and its not even the same style comedy
and kanye and that stupid eye color, there is more, but agaiin, i said there is no proof, and honeslty i didnt make it thru this article i was lost, and it gave me a headach trying to understand it.
but honestly do you think if we could clone humans we would? if we can clone sheep, why not people, if they fucked up the clone, kill it. we all know the goverment has not issue testing (even leathal) things on unsuspecting citizens. why would this be any diffrent?


i hope you didnt take my comment as being rude, that wasnt the case, yes people change, dave said when he went to africa all the tabloids said he was smoking crack-but he wasnt, he says, he also says his dad just died and they were very close, and had always told him to decide the price he was willing to pay for success, and if it got to much, then give it up, so he did-he says. he could change too.
kanye, nothing to do with his music, but thats a weird story in itself, he started going off about the illumaniti at a concert, a couple days later he was rushed to a mental hospital from his house, friends and family said he was getting him memory back slowly-a symptom of electroshock theropy, then when he came out weeks later, ahd blue eyes
and it just keeps getting weirder.
ad that to the recorded phone call where he agrees his mother will die when he is out of town, and as a result he will get a 25 million dollar contract-she does, he did, and he talked about it/illuminati alot.
if anything its a good reasonn for them to want to clone him, and those eyes freak me out-oh also originally they were a new permanate technique, but now they are only contacts.
but even if they were clones, by definition we wouldnt know, minus seeing them together.
so its kinda a moot point, personally i belive they do it, honeslty i have no indea what the original post was about, and they would never admit it anyway, as its my undersatnding its illegal

but i might add this post is a bit out there for me, as someone else wrote its exhausting, but thats an understatment.

I'm not posting this to change anybody's mind about Donald Marshall, IMO his subject matter is way to fringe for me to put my support behind, at the very least I believe DM beleives what he is saying, unfortunately all we have to go by is DM's testimony, what if Hollywood and the Government does dabble in Clones, it would be absolutely perfect to MK Ultra someone like DM to totally discredit any truth about any number of public figures that people have claimed are possible clones, but hey you have 50 votes @30$ keep on writing and I say that with no sarcasm, nice job!

Nice app! That is hella cool!