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RE: Donald Marshall- The Elites- The Vril- Cannibalism- Pedogate: History and Connections

Oh I am bowing and giving you a well-deserved curtsy for this post!
Great background info in here.

Good luck with your entry! I've read two others so far and am thoroughly intrigued with all the different views and perspectives so far of the people FTG has chosen for the top 9 potential candidates.


Thank you... There's so much information to try to squeeze into one post it's hard to do justice. I could probably write 5 more just on what's here. I'd really like to get into cloning, transhumanism and nanotechnology as it relates to what Donald has uncovered!

I will be waiting for 5 more of these, Human cloning is becoming more and more unique and the possibilities are right in front of us.

I don't know how thrilled I am with the possibilities. I've written about cloning before and included it as part of lectures I did on designing the perfect society... all from an ethical standpoint. A lot of the impetus driving the cloning "movement" if you will is from the perspective of "spare parts." But what is being created is another human and humans have rights. There's a lot we need to straighten out in ourselves (socially, politically, ethically) before we start running off copies!