The Strange Case of Jane Doe: Another First Hand Experience With the Illuminati and the Vrill

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Hello there,

#DonaldMarshall is the most complete witness we have on our hands right now, but there are others…

Today I’m going to tell you about one of the witnesses I believe in the most thanks to her background, intelligence and the fact that she really is a reasonable person.

I don’t know her in person, but she is among the most valuable witnesses to what’s going on with the human elites and the Vrill.

Not only that, she suffered under them as well, and has a really strange story to tell.

This is part of an investigation that took ages, so I’m probably going to approach it all throughout the next few days as one post won’t be enough to cover it.

I’m not going to disclose her real name, and the few investigators who know about her change know her by different names as well – she hides her true identity to remain safe.

This is why I’m just going to call her Jane Doe instead of making up a name. If you want to learn about another valuable witness, read below…

Here's What Happened!

Jane was 60 days pregnant of her first baby at the time of these events. She was forty two years old and as such was really careful about her pregnancy since doctors warned her it could be a risky one.

On that day, on July 2001, she was at home and her husband was working. They both lived in Virginia.
Jane states she was feeling very tired, so she went to take an afternoon nap.

When her husband John came home at around six o’clock, she woke up feeling nauseated and she was obviously worried… as she was healthy she worried it could be something that could affect the baby.

John, you see, was a Kinesiology therapist, so he performed a test on her to see why she was feeling so off.

Kinesiology takes care of the cloacal system, a lesser known system that controls the harmony of chemicals in the body (regulating quantities, qualities and so on…)

John found out Jane had an imbalance on the Cloacals. She had a faulty reference point on these so her nervous system wasn’t stable.

An unstable Cloacal System can lead to a lot of problems, but here’s where this thing gets weird…

Her husband told her she showed signs he usually spots on people who undergo surgery.

He also did muscle testing on her and found out her Wernicke’s Area of the Brain was affected… and if you know the Wernicke’s Area then you know that’s where Wernicke’s Commands are…

…but what are Wernicke’s Commands?

I’m going to explain it, since it’s important.

What are Wernicke's Commands? Here's the Answer:

The right Wernicke’s area stores these commands, commands that are stored when an authority states something, or even implies.

What does this mean?

Don’t you have memories of a teacher, doctor or parent telling you something you should do or should not do? Those leave a mark… they’re what these commands are about.

We have a lot of these stored in our brains. Some are good, such as family advice, but some are bad, like:

  • “You’re not bright enough”
  • “You’re too lazy”

And so on… some of these we never forget and leave a repercussion.

Mostly, these commands are obtained in an involuntary way, through education or assimilated because we consider the ones making the statement experts on that field.

However, some are also placed there intentionally.
Dictators do this all the time. Wernicke’s commands are helpful to control the population.

Some Kynesiologists claim they can even access these commands to remove them or place others in their stead, as part of the therapy to overcome unwanted commands having a negative repercussion in your life…

…John was one of these practictioners.

Interpreting, Accessing and Removing Wernicke’s Commands:

According to researchers, people who experience abductions are fed Wernicke’s commands to stop them from remembering them.
This is where the story gets even more interesting, because we know how #DonaldMarshall goes over what abductions truly are, as people have their consciousness taken to the #HumanCloning Facilities to be abused.
Well, long story short, Jane apparently discovered she had been abducted through this analysis.
Now, here’s something else… THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Remember Donald Marshall Saying People Who Would Have Been Abused (Abducted) Would Some Times Just Die of Aneurisms?

Well, Jane claims she found a Wernicke’s Command that was “Die if you remember this” and even “Assassinate the person who made you remember this”.
So, in reality, those persons may have remembered something they weren’t supposed to. She even presented her findings to T.F.H.K.A. the Touch for Health Kinesiology Association.

…But here’s the kicker…

There was a Kinesiology therapist murdered in Australia back in 2000 by a client, and Jane stated she may have just help someone remember something they weren’t supposed to, and that someone would have the “Assassinate the person who made you remember this” command.

Continuing With the Story: Here’s What Jane Found Out

So, on that day she had been abducted, Jane accessed the Wernicke’s Area through muscle testing and spotted 12 new commands. She removed them with the use of the proper drugs alongside kinesiology.

Here are the commands she took out:

1 – Do not recall this event
2 – You belong to us
3 – Don’t Remember
4 – This event never occurred
5 – You are our property
6 – On this day, nothing happened
7 – We were never here
8 – Today was a marvelous day
9 – Resistance is Futile
10 – You can never defeat us
11 – You will never win
12 – You want to stop this

Finally, she also discovered further physical evidence of her experience, there was a bruise, big and in dark purple color on her inner thigh.
The bruise was diamond shaped and looked unnatural…
John also found evidence that a machine was inside Jane, and they again started fearing for the baby…

… The rest, we’ll leave it for tomorrow.

Stay safe, and watchful!

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