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RE: Shouldn't be afraid eh...?

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

Im not saying I do better, I'm saying even doing that much won't be enough, like, theres 7 billion people on the planet, they dont all speak the same language, they don't even believe the same stuff, hundreds of thousands is nothing.

I'm not dogging truthstreams, its good they exist. I just ultimately won't watch them and I'm saying they're ultimately ineffective for trying to rally a planet together in the face of technological enslavement ultimately by alien parasites thats gone on for seriously 1000s of years.. Something far more dramatic is needed.

I'm not trying to reach a small devoted following we need more than that, and I don't wanna watch anymore of this stuff because I see it everywhere I look and in half of the stuff I think, all of the time.
Its not fun for me, I don't enjoy doing this, mostly it makes me feel sick seeing how doomed the fkin world has become while we act like all this is fine. We're so desensitized to it and i can't help but predict that even worse shit is coming right round the corner.

I've been doing this near solidly for 6 years, going insane, every other day from the weight of it. Even tried to leave at one point which i did for months but couldn't fkin escape and had to come back, we're trapped doing this. I am trapped doing this, but i'm only one person.

one person with a small group of people Trying to face up against people who can even manipulate time. Like, they've messed with time itself and changed minor shit just to flex and laugh at their power.. Did you even notice that? I was there when it started happening.

That, is over reaching. Whats would you do @darnez. Probably won't even believe half of the stuff im saying and stay put with your truthstreams where they just compile to you how full of shit the world is. At what point does that get real fkin tedious for you because it happened to me shortly after 2013 and i've been trying to talk about it ever since while attempting to find a solution where we don't all die while attempting to remain sane.

The guy I follow Donald Marshall? His main interview got over a million views very nearly and it would have done had view growth stayed consistent buut guess what? The counter mysteriously got put back down, know why? Because videos over a million views through the algorithm then get spread further. Then, to make it worse the video got taken down and re-uploaded further disseminating the views. There are people legitimately involved in ensuring this info spreads as little as possible. Thats how the flat earth theory got started, literally. Rapper B.ob who sparked that shit back up supported Donald Briefly before he went flat earth mad, so again our progress was halted.

You say to me do something? You fkin do something. I've watched and documented the world go mad for years and Donald is so proven now. Entertain the concept that we might actually have to start thinking big to overcome a really big global problem cuz since WW2 its been possible to kill hundreds of thousands in an instant and largely has been kept in a ww2 technology state slightly improved incrementally while, Shock, the military and super rich jumped centuries ahead with tech secretly and kept it hidden for themselves and only now are slowly doling out their shit to the public because its opportune to do so and That is all that your truthstreams are gonna talk about. The symptoms to the greater problem. Could ya... Could ya get that?

Cuz im gonna die eventually probably sooner than I'd like from the affects of all this and I could really, Really, use alot more support in all of this than is currently available. Truthstreams seem fine, they're ok,but theyre on a platform that itself is just a commodity driven site, owned by the same assholes who treat Us like commodities and decide what were allowed to see and think.

Truth shouldnt be a commodity or even have to be spread on platforms that treat it like it is because its a way to earn them money and control opposition, alex jones, david icke and the rest of them lot make livings like this.

But this ain't living, this is begging for scraps, meanwhile it all just steadily gets worse, freedoms eroded, harmful ideologies supported and a whole mess of death and pain and suffering, for what? Rich assholes to eventually download our minds to tech Just so they can hold onto us and our suffering longer?

Do you think I can find Barely Any Happiness while all this is the case? Just go about my day like its all hunky dory cant wait for my new truthstream bullshit? I've been watching a man who came up with half the world's best songs be left in obscurity and poverty and suffering for years, and he's so secretly famous they Even made a movie based on That exact concept. It was called Under the Silver lake but they reversed it and made the guy rich just to poke fun. The real world Song writer is Donald Marshall and he got nothing, and when he told most of the world 99.99% did nothing, but the elite got rich, and then they threw it in our faces and have done for years with almost nobody noticing till they made it so easy even a child could understand it and many now do, whole cartoons are raising them to see and embrace these concepts.. Whole new generations of kids raised to love and accept the horrifc shit thats gonna be thrust on them cuz they didn't know any better.. Maan you opened a can of worms here that you can't fkin deal with at all can you. This rant was utterly pointless. Just like most things I've tried and tired to do. Here's the evil version of don they slapped in this shitty movie in case you are even interested.


Oh and heres my stupid lil mini series about this movie, it goes up to part six til i gave up on it because why bother, no one watched it. Certainly not enough people to make any kind of difference. its on dailymotion because youtube blocks anyone from see it thanks to copyright. The people who made this and inserted dons legendary character into a movie, own the copyright.

Oh and heres a four hour livstream of me trying to explain earth history based on Dons info and how its affected the world. Which is something I don't ever really wanna do again yet have to.

heres my facebook page documenting said weird and messed up information and various endless references to it that got released over time in real time as it happened. I also help manage the public figure page on facebook.

And here is a symbolically accurate image of my disdain for when people tell Me to "Do something".

Great? Truth streams are great? You dont know what Great is. Great is a righteous kid who through suffering shaped himself into a person who could teach the world what was desperately needed at the time to move forward. Its happened in the past so I hear.

'righteous' ?

you didn't mention Jesus once. so for all of your efforts and ranting you haven't come to the start of the thread of truth you've been unravelling.

He is the 'mass wake up' pill you have been looking for - only God through man 2.0 can re-start this world without pain, suffering and evil.

beware though, Jesus is nothing to do with what you have heard from any church - this is biology, the next step for all those who know and trust God.

i highly doubt you are open to this from what i skim-read, but it would be great if at this point of total frustration you decided to finally look over in that dusty corner and re-examine it.