I mean great.
Harry Potter has always been a metaphor for CC shenanigans, fkin most things are..
Its just one of those times when you see a reference for what it really is and go Oh Jeezus because when you realize its so obvious it hard to understand why you didn't see it before. How it just permeates your being.
It happens alot with me, just not like this for some time.
Its largely because I know from loving star trek, that in the tenth movie Star trek: Nemesis they clone captain picard and doctor Beverly Crusher states "They probably used a hair follicle or a skin cell"
and that drink can up top I guess is some kinda promotional BS polyjuice potion and the label design with the snake in the eye i guess is just some random shit someone THOUGHTUP and ya know made it for the drink that is in name and concept a thing that copies you which is why its called Polyjuice because Poly means many so, yah.
I wish my life went differently alot of days.
This is one of those days.
Lots of people are afraid of death,
of dying one day,
being in a state of nothingness,
but some days,
I think I just can't wait for that day.
Might be the day I genuinely smile
Sounds familiar
Oh but theres more