Let’s go back to the original reason I was brought to cloning at age 4. For this perverted child molester Max Kelbrat to maul. He was a Polish Joowish sausage maker. Lived in my neighborhood. Used to give me free pepperoni n pickles sometimes. Owned a Deli, Brothers Meats. ->
My mother knew them. He had two sons. Peter and Andre. They attended the place as well. Drug addicted perverts that went there to mess with people too. They are still in the stands to this day. They have been messing with me recently.
They used to come out messing with me before from time to time. But now with my parents dead. With how I haven’t seen my mothers married in family the Cohoons (also polish joowish) in about 25 years. They are stuck for people to come out bothering me. So they get these fools.
Peter and Andre Kelbrat have had daughters. They have traded them around cloning like baseball cards in exchange for carnal rights to other scumbags children at cloning. All their lives. They’ve been out lately beating me n stabbing me while I’m in restraints.
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Another thing this cruel moley diddler would do. It was known in my neighborhood he would neuter cats for cheap. He’d stuff them head first into a rubber boot. Cut the nuts off. Rub butter on the wound then kick the boot. Cheap n easy.
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