Katherine Cipriano/Kate Friday (Jan 22, 2019 17:24:48 GMT -5)
Damnit... sigh this isn't right... I can't drop this like a hot potato, it just isn't that simple. I cannot live with myself if I don't get this channel up and running and let it all out of the bag. I apologize for being somewhat erratic. . . but you've got to realize just how personal some of this stuff is and how difficult it is to just remember it, let alone tell the world. Seems I've been taking one step forward and two steps back when I really should be running top speed to the finish line with this. I've got to come back to it b/c I can't live with myself. I have deleted these two vids right off my computer so I will have to start from scratch again, apologies. I'll post new links when I have them done and I will carry on to the rest of the snippets/breakthrough memories.To all you Christians out there... please say a little prayer for me, I really need to stay strong and persevere. Thank you for your patience.
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