mindmaster23 (Aug 12, 2016 11:29:03 GMT -5)
And ya they can do everything i said because i've witnessed it awake many times over. i still have not tried them fisherman's friends but i think johnny fay dumped a package in a huge cup of water and something else maybe with it i never seen but he asked me to take a sip so i did then asked me to take another sip before he started to show me why he was there this stuff is crazy only reason he got away with it because my sister and her boyfriend just happens to be the local pot dealers so when he came up my stairs at 3 am i figured he was there for them...that's when he surprised me and said no i'm here for to see you. what ever was in the drink made me like a kid at xmas when i noticed the ear piece for music i was studying that earlier and was wondering why all the musicians have them in their ears i was thinking they couldn't even sing without em because the things doing all of the work...well ya it does all the work if i had that ear piece to sing with since 2009 i'm sure ida already had 50 #1 hits if i never lost my health and was in the mindset i am today with how i am. I honestly think i could have got use to how they were getting me ready to no what note to be on it's the frequency it got me to i miss and i think it stimulated my brain that's why i never breathed when i was performing heel the world and i did not wanna mess up anything which i did all the way thru it because i didn't even no the words to it that's why he opened up the words for me on the computer so i could look and hit them at exact same time the earpiece worked a lot better when i was on track but when i ran out of breath i passed out from it and i woke up and flipped out and fay ran down my stairs so fast and bolted that i was stuck screaming i was going to kill him awhile went by and cops showed up at my door saying they thought i needed some help the mindset i was in i never argued with them i turned around and put my hands behind my back even like i was robotically controlled before getting into the car* the cop tho when i was in my home prior to me listening to him i said to him do you know who i am? and what i am capable of? he was like yes james i know who you are, i told him i owned everything also too along with the police force they all work for me he said to me yes i know. i don't forget that stupid stuff i was saying why i say such horseshit? is beyond me. but let me tell you why i said it too because flash back to just days prior to this was i think 1 of the first time they were doing a live broadcast in 2009 for a speech for followers to follow online i got and invitation to watch it in my email so i clicked this on...and everyone don't get who all the presidents listen too where they get their orders from well basically i was telepathically being monitored when they spoke if i even showed any sign of a clap they would clap for obama and stand up i tested it out to see if they were following me because i was locked into the broadcast yet i don't recall anything about it i just remember if something was said properly i got to be the signal to them and and they followed my clap everyone in the obama from joe biden to em all couple ladies in there i don't remember their names were the 1s who signal them i was applauding so they had to follow me. like i said they clap if i clap i stop and then re clap as obama was gonna start something else up and he would have to stop for a standing ovation ya ya i remember why to because i was his voice loud and clear no wonder i was brain dead* right after i seen to much and they were scared i was going to speak of it. too late i just did now.
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