mindmaster23 (Jul 10, 2016 21:56:50 GMT -5)
I got the same issue with my ears they click both of them do. Ever since this guy was showing me how musicians can hear thru a device the song to know what is coming next my ears have been messed up. I Wanted to kill this guy because I started singing really loud and then the volume must have been cranked right up or maybe even when he chipped Me I passed out. And I also have noticed people in the same spots when I went on a couple long walks this old guy was crossing the street in the exact same location the day before...and another guy was walking in exact same location and also was showing me something he had a bag and was blowing it up and popping the bag by people's heads but the people never turned around or even acknowledged this guy I was watching tho I couldn't miss it I figured he was going to get punched in the head but not 1 person even turned around? what are these people? You never forget these things either after they happen they stick with ya. and if something is in my ear that blows up I'll take my chances with it rather then spend forever like this. I don't trust anyone to have em look into my ears either its been since 2009 I've had messed up ears I always am cleaning them but they always feel like somethings there still even if clean i won't stop until I get it all out tho because when I get even a piece of the chunk of skin out that's dead chunks I feel much better sounds gross I know but its the price you pay for trusting a stranger with new technology I learned the hard way nowadays I'm waiting for the next mother fucker that thinks he's going to do something to me like this guy did...he also zoomed out of my house so fast when I yelled I'm going to fuckin kill you because it felt like my heart stopped and I passed out and woke up and he was holding me in his arms. I still don't know what this guy was only guess is he took over a guys body and was the short 3 foot ugly looking thing I seen staring at me a couple nights earlier...you know when you get that feeling ur being watched well I kinda had that feeling and seen this snaggle tooth ugly 3 foot mirage of something evil..well this guy who was in my room was normal looking but when I yelled he moved too fast and he was not him he was that little ugly thing I seen a couple nights earlier.Anyone else see the 3-foot ugly snaggletooth looking demon?
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Donald Marshall is a fucking whack job.
Anyone believing this bullshit he spews (@fulltimegeek - braindead nutjob) should be dealt with like a rabid, disease spreading dog.
All of his claims are completely unjustified and his followers (ie. @fulltimegeek) are nothing but ignorant fucking sheep.
Donald Marshall is a fucking whack job.
Anyone believing this bullshit he spews (@fulltimegeek - braindead nutjob) should be dealt with like a rabid, disease spreading dog.
All of his claims are completely unjustified and his followers (ie. @fulltimegeek) are nothing but ignorant fucking sheep.
Donald Marshall is a fucking whack job.
Anyone believing this bullshit he spews (@fulltimegeek - braindead nutjob) should be dealt with like a rabid, disease spreading dog.
All of his claims are completely unjustified and his followers (ie. @fulltimegeek) are nothing but ignorant fucking sheep.