Donation Competition - Win The Lap Top And Donate It... (Prize 20 SBD + Donation) 10 Days - Day #6 The Registration Is In Progress

in #donation7 years ago

The aim of this competition is to extend the idea for Steemit blogging. If we give a donation in food or money, when money and food are spent, we have the same problem - a poor family. If you donate a computer and teach people to make good posts and comments, then they begin to get a regular cash flow. I believe that in the first month, every new user can make $ 500, In the beginning the most money is made on good comments. Steemit with this idea can feed many people, villages, cities and poor countries. I want to launch a human idea because more users bring higher and faster growth to Steem and SBD. I want this competition to grow, to get a global dimension. Now it's only one computer, the next time the prize can be 150-300 SBD - it depends on the support you give me.

@deegurl met this widow who is a petty trader last Christmas during my Christmas reach out to windows in rural communities.Here is the link to the outreach ( ).This particular widow came IMG_20171216_123921.jpg with her youngest child, that's her behind in the picture (she's in high school) she has an older daughter who is done with high school but can't go to college because of lack of funds.If she wins the contest, the laptop donated would be used to generate more funds by posting sound contents and also other online business which I will but the older daughter

@ismailali She is Nasrin is 17 years old, she is studying in a government school, she has two small brothers and her mom, in an accident, she has lost her Dad, and since then she and her family have been hardly conatus to meet their needs, but here in Indian rural area's there are almost no ways for the ladies to earn their living, so generally, she and her mom do the washing of some people clothes to earn some bucks, (they earn about 20 dollars P/M, this monthly income is too small to cater for her family and complete their education needs, like Books, Fees, etc.) Sometimes we collect some collection/donation to support him with the little we can, but this is not enough. that is why she wins the contest, the computer gave him an opportunity to earn some knowledge and money.

@psicmarynes She is Mireya is 49 years old, she works as a secretary at a state university, earning $ 3 monthly to cover all the needs of her family. Mireya has fibromyalgia and herniated discs in the cervical vertebrae. She has always made an effort to change the roof to her house, since she has two jobs and has not managed to do so. She only has enough to support her family. Mireya has two professions. he is aware that work is what a man does, not gifts, that's why he wins the contest, the computer allows him to change the roof to his house and contribute his knowledge to the community, giving value to his post. If Mireya wins, we will have a new member in the community.

@slausonboy This is a man who works in a poultry farm close to my house in a community where I am undergoing my national youth service in Nigeria. His monthly earnings is 6000 Nigerian naira which is equivalent to $16.43 monthly. He has a wife and two kids, this monthly income is too small to cater for his entire family. Sometimes i try to support him financially with the little i can, i also give him a few clothes but this is not enough. Through @dobartim initiative if i win a laptop i will give it to him and introduce him to steemit where he can change his life for better. Instead of giving him fish, he'll be given the tools to fish by himself.

He started a small poultry with his earnings on steemit and is applying his entrepreneurial skill in managing the birds. We have started a new academic session, his savings is nowhere near the budget price and the poultry maintenance; feed and drugs is more expensive than expected.
I hope to win this laptop for him in order to lighten his financial load.
We are living in a digital age and the laptop will go a long way in boosting him academically and reducing the financial stress.
@druids Daniel, my cousin and best friend is a final year student in the university of benin reading entrepreneurship. He is struggling and training himself through school but the financial burden is affecting him psychologically.He has been saving up to buy his textbooks and a laptop during the holiday.

Her Name is Kuti mia, he is working as a Labour(rules :-collecting areca nut from the trees) her daily earnings 150 indian Rupee which is equivalent to $ 02 USD.
he has a wife and 4 daughters and her mom.
this monthly income is too small to cater for his entire family.
I know that he is educated (12th standards pass)

@ismailali Through @dobartim initiative if i win a laptop i will give it to him and introduce him to steemit where he can change his life for better.

@valchiz her name is comfort, she just finished from the University this year but lost her dad five years ago and since then she and her family have been striving to meet their needs. Even doing her stay in the University she try her best not to be a dropout. Am praying and wishing the community to help her so she will be able to meet and take care of her family needs. Especially her mum who is a pepper grinder. Through the little i got from steemit, I provide a phone for her last week so she will be able to use steemit as an opportunity because the economy is not helping. Am glad she registered but yet to receive her password. With this Opportunity giving to us by @dobartim She will be able to fend for her family and I know she will be very grateful.

Proof : Congratulation @queenerica - Buy lat top and put the image and account as proof - on this post in the place for comment.

Thanks to donors : @dobartim 20 SBD, mihaisyblu 10 SBD, juanmallorca 4 SBD, @whd 2 SBD,

Rules for applieng :
Rules for recipients of donations :
Place a photo of your family or children to whom you want to donate Lap Top at the place for comments
Make a brief description of why you need to donate Lap Top to them
The number of people you apply is unlimited
In the end - if you are selected for a donation, you should provide material proof that you used the money for that purpose.
The Winner is the one that has most votes ( on the day of voting )
If we collect money for more lap tops, then we will donate lap tops to more families.

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Donor rules ( Everyone can donate how much he wants SBD to support this project ) :
You can donate how much SBD you want
Donations should be sent to my account
We will publicly put your name and amount of donation as a sign of gratitude to each post that will be posted

Rules for winning the prize :
The competition lasts for 10 days ( After 10 days, voting for favorites begins, (Only donors can vote - with 1 SBD or more donations ) - Today is the day#5 of the competition - the registration is in progress - leave your photo in place for comment

Believe in yourself @dobartim


Nice article . Appreciate this . keep posting with us.

you create a great post....your thinking is will running create this type posting....i waiting for your next post..

It’s so very nice of you to give back. When I can I do to, we always donate clothes.
Sometime we give to homeless people asking for anything on the streets. There are few people in steemit doing the same as you do. I have a huge respect for people like you. I know you have a personal experience being poor in your past, that’s probably the reason you do this to help.

You are great man you are doing very well may you will be successful in ur dream

Am always excited seeing your efforts of given back two the community. I know many have been blessed through this initiative and you are still committed in doing more. More grease to your elbow @dobartim

Beautiful post. Keep being a source of blessing to others through this good work of yours. You will be successful in touching more lives.

Many kind things are hallening on the platform and i am happy ti see this being oart like others. I appreciate colorful and clever minds living in peiples bodies.

this should had be called steemit foundation because you are really practicing kindness

May God reward you for your kind idea to help, and generosity towards the needy. people like you ought to be emulated because you are really a society builder. Thanks for sharing.

Beautiful initiative.....showing them how to make the SBD is quite cool.... Far better than just giving them the SBD to eat.....

God bless you....

Please what happens to the remaining contestants after a winner emerges from each group? Please I think you can reabsorb some into the next contest to afford them another opportunity.

Meanwhile you're doing a great job helping the poor in the society. May the Almighty reward you.

I was the winner of the last contest and not this one,this one is still on

I am in support and willing to donate, unfortunately dnt have much in my wallet but will do when I win from the yoga challenge.

Good ideas Brother.
Thank you for this nice post.
As soon as got enough SBD I think that I will participate in this contest.