Everyone knows that without one’s body in good working condition, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to function in life’s daily activities, let alone control one’s own life’s direction and desires. Yet, how much thought and time do most humans carve out for themselves in understanding their unique body’s needs and circumstances, and instead just pop a pill and hope for the best, or go to a doctor and say fix me. Sometimes, especially in a medical emergency, like a broken arm, or bleeding uncontrollably, one had better get trained medical help fast. But for most conditions that ail humans, in my opinion, one will be stronger and healthier and get better results than any doctor could give them if one pays attention to their own body, while learning about it in order to take on the responsibility of their own good health. That is accomplished by making sure your body gets what it needs. Unfortunately, learning about your body and caring for your body takes the discipline of building good habits while putting in the time and devotion necessary in collecting and sifting through knowledge that pertains to keeping one’s unique body strong, and maintaining proper body support so it can heal itself if in a weaken state. The body does know how to heal itself, especially if a human can consciously provide their body with the basic ingredients and environment needed in order to repair itself.
Some people care for their body with regular exercise. Others may learn about herbs, nutrition, massage or acupressure to keep their body healthy, while others might master the mental therapies of hypnosis and meditation, or learn about magnets and electroceuticals. There are many self- help medical therapies available to keep strong, or heal from a medical challenge or condition. There is endless knowledge to explore and learn available to you, as you take control over your own life and health; but in this article, I am introducing a powerful system that is free and easy to do. It is a combination of different energy techniques that Donna Eden, a forty-year-plus energy-healer-practitioner, and world renown author and teacher, wrote about in her book,” Energy Medicine”.
The list of energy techniques available to study is endless. Unfortunately, many of these modalities are often expensive to learn: from simplified Reiki, to Touch for Health, to Polarity Therapy, to acupressure. But Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine can be free to learn, and is the most reliable one I have come across. I bought her book in 1997 or 1998. As a practicing hypnotist and Reiki Practitioner, I was impressed with her techniques, and incorporated much of what was in her book into my practice because it got results; and I am a result oriented person. Her book is straightforward. It is a self guiding, teaching text with detailed charts, diagrams and written explanations. In the past twenty years, she has only written one other book that was focused on women and energy medicine. She has traveled the world, with her husband, teaching her easy, yet effective techniques. I would describe Donna Eden as a free spirit and free thinker. She appears to be a caring human who wants people to know how to heal themselves. She sees energy that most of us do not see. Because she has that gift that most of us don’t have, her talks can sometimes be a reach for some people who know nothing about energy medicine. Plus, sometimes, maybe due to her high energy enthusiasm, and laughter in her presentations, occasionally how she presents her material might seem silly, until you realize that what she does works. Then it becomes almost magic-like, and you want to know how she does it.
One of the things I know for sure is that there are subtle energies that most people don’t even know exists let alone understand. Some people can see or feel this energy, but many can’t. But what most people do see when these exercises are performed daily are results. So the question is not will these exercises help a person, the question is, will the person manage their life in a disciplined way so that they will carve out a few minutes each day to perform the free exercises? So to repeat, to do anything on a regular basis takes self-disciple, yet making a commitment of turning these exercises into a daily habit, often helps people get well, or at the very least, have more energy and feel better.
Why not take this winter and do something for yourself that is free, that could very well improve your health and keep your immune system strong. Do an internet search on “Donna Eden”. There will be many videos to learn from. I recommend starting with her “Daily Energy Routine” videos. The energy routine takes five to seven minutes to do. Try it daily for six weeks or so, and see for yourself how it works; you might very well be pleasantly surprised with the results. But there is a catch; you actually have to spend five, six or seven minutes doing it everyday to see results. It’s free. It is just your time that is needed to help you feel better. Is your health and well being worth five or seven minutes of time daily? The more you do it, the more likely you will want to learn and do more of it. But just don’t watch her do the exercises…. do them with her until you learn to do them on your own.
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