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RE: Donna Brazile DNC Corruption Bombshells Shake Politics! | True News

in #donnabrazille7 years ago (edited)

Donna was on Faux News yesterday, as though she were some "conservative" commentator. Made me sick. She is only out for herself, as they all are, but the more they turn on each other the more we may learn about the utter depravity of the political class.


I am neither "liberal", not "conservative". I consider myself a classical liberal. That puts me roughly an equal distance from both the Democrats and the Republicans.

Democrats best I can tell are little but a corruption party at this point. I can't even discern much of an ideology there. And yes, I fully agree with you - the more they turn on each other the better - and the more info we get on them as they leak info.

One of those "radical centrists," eh?

People forget the Constitution was the centrist position when it was adopted.